The New Girl in School 18

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*Hello readers! I really wanted to thank everyone thats reading my stories and commenting on my stories! I especially want to thank Kanshi-chan, AnimeFanToTheDeath and AshlanJames! Kansh-chan and AnimeFanToTheDeath for excitment and then AshlanJames for the passion! Thanks for following and reading my stories guys! Makes me really happy! Any ways here you guys go, hope you guys enjoy this chapter!:)*

The Akatsuki was walking out of the front gates ignoring the stares they were reasiving fromthe Kohana brats. They really starred at Naruto and Sasuke mostly since they were the ones that confessed to their cherry blossom. Naruto shiver under the starred of the murderous group while Sasuke was shivering on the inside hiding the fact that he was a little scared of the group.

*Time skip, at the hospital with the akatsuki in Sakura's room*

As the Akatsuki walked into Sakura's room they looked to her bed and noticed that she was gone then thought that she was probably in the bathroom because the door was closed. As Pein went to the bathroom door to let Sakura know that they were their, the rest of the group went to sit down in chairs.


"Sakura we're here now." When Pein didnt hear anything he said it a little louder, "Sakura we're here!" When there was still no answer Pein looked to everyone else and shrugged his shoulders. "Sakura?"

"Saku-chan, is Saku-chan alright?!" Tobi yelled running to the door knocking/banging on it.

"Tobi calm down." Madara said standing up walking to the door grabbing Tobi's shoulder pulling him from the door.

"Did she answer?" Kakazu asked walking to the door trying to listen for any noise.

"No I didnt hear anything." Pein said.

"Maybe she's not in there." Itachi said standing up from his seat.

Just then a nurse walked in and froze in her spot, she was the same nurse that has been checking up on Sakura and taking care of her. "Um, hello?"

"Where is Sakura Haruno?" Sasori asked/demanded as he took a step closer to the nurse.

The nurse stepped back afraid, "Isn't she in the bathroom, since your all standing by it?"

"If she is she isnt answering." Kakazu said crossing his arms.

"Let me check real quick." She said walking up to the bathroom door, she knocked, "Miss.Haruno, you have visitors, are you alright?" There wasnt a reply, she put her hand on the door nob and looked over her shoulder at the group of men that surounded her. "Please step back incase she is naked, I'm sure she doesnt want you all to see her naked." As the group stepped back with a light blush casted over their cheeks the nurse turned to the door, opened it and peeked her head in. Wgen she turned around she looked from face to face, "Alright this isnt funny, where is she?"

The Akatsuki looked at the nurse in bewilderment, 'What in the hell is she talking about?'

"What?" Kisame asked with an eyebrow raised as he looked at the nurse questioningly.

"She's not in her bed or the bathroom, now stop with the joking and bring her out. I need to make sure she is alright and stable, she cant be moving around." The nurse said annoyed yet afraid all at the same time.

Itachi stepped forward and was in the nurses face in seconds, she jumped and squealed a little and moved back to make space between the two only for him to come closer. "We dont know where she is, you were supposed to be watching her, why werent you watching her, huh?"

The nurse started to shake under his intense stare. "I-I-I Dont kn-n-now. T-t-the last t-t-time I checked o-on her was w-w-when you a-all left this m-morning. She w-was here."

"Did she have any visitors while we were gone, Un?" Deidei asked sighing annoyed woth the nurse.

"N-no, I dont think so. I didnt look at her geust chart."

"GO get it and bring it here, NOW." Madara and Pein said, their eyes were twitching, they were really considering killing the nurse right then.

The nurse ran out of the room to get the chart quickly and was back in a couple of minutes, she gave the chart to them with shaky hands. "Here you go."

Pein snached the chart from her and looked through it and only saw that they and the two dumbasses from the other day signed in to see her. Pein sighed and handed the chart to Madara who also sighed and passed the chart around for the rest of the gorup look at. "You can leave now." Pein said to the nurse not even looking to her.

The nurse nodded her head and bowed to them then quickly turned and left the room. Pein turned to the group of men and became very serious till a very bright light engulfed them all.

*With Sakura, Orochimaru and Kabuto*

Kabuto walked into a room that was big and circular, there was a round floor that was raised with a alter in the middle. Around the alter there was six candles that werent not yet lit, Kabuto walked up to the alter and laid Sakura down in the middle of it. He backed up to stand behind of Orochimaru, Orochimaru stepped forward and did some handsigns. The flames lit on the candles and Orochimaru started to do handsigns and whispering. But as he cut his wrist and blood fell to the cirle the was around the alter, light engulfed the room and then 28 people popped into the room, Kabuto then started to do handsigns wiith his master and more light engulfed the room, soon screaming was heard and filled the room with the light. 


It was silent in the woods till a blood curdling scream was heard for miles, that scream sent a horrible shiver up the spine of any creature or human in a 20 mile radius of the source. In the area of the noise laid bodies, they werent dead but unconciouss, unmoving, they were burned and scratched with one pink haired girl in the middle curled up crying as memories ran back to her.

*Hello!! Well I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! Please tell me what you think in the comments and vote!! Love you all!!* 


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