Part 46

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Mamoru and Hotaru's eyes widened when they heard their fathers name leave her lips, "You remember?" Mamoru asked.

Sakura slowly nodded her head wiping her face and sitting up, she was back in her room in the tower, Kabuto held out a cup of water, she took a  slow sip and saw the Akatsuki quiet but watching with worried eyes. "I remember everything," She said looking back to them, "Mom, dad, Daichi. I remember it all" She pushed the blankets from her body and got up.

"Sakura, you should lay down" Kabuto insisted going to her side grabbing her arm and putting his other arm around her to steady her.

"No" She said lightly pushing his arm away, "I can't lay down anymore, I need to help my village, my people and I need to make sure Gaara and Tsunade agree, then we need to set up plans to train everyone in this village so they are able to protect themselves when we are short in hand." She was standing now and turned, "Are you all settled in you rooms or at least have your bags in them?"

"Yes" Pein said nodding his head.

"Good, in 15, meet me in my office, we need to talk" they nodded their heads, she looked to Kabuto, "Bring tea to my office" he nodded his head and walked out, "Alright well then I'll see you guys then" She walked into the bathroom, Mamoru and Hotaru following, the Akatsuki left the room.

"Boys I'll be fine, if you're really that nervous then Sit in my room and wait, I'm going to rinse quickly"

With reluctance they left, Sakura closed the door behind them but left it open just slightly, she undressed and stepped into the shower and rinsed off.

*Time skip*

Sakura sat in her chair and looked at her village, there was a lot of work to be done and she wasn't sure where she was going to start, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, 'Mom, dad, Daichi please watch over me and help me, please' There was a knock on her door making her open her eyes, "Come in" She breathed in and turned away from her village and looked at the Akatsuki and Kabuto who set down a cup of tea in front of her, she took the cup and sipped from it. She set down the cup and sighed looking at the Akatsuki, "We have a lot of work to get done around here and I need your guys help till everyone else returns with news about the treaty's. Can I rely on your help?" She starred at Pein and Madara, the two she knew held the most power in the group.

"Yes, anything you need we will do" Madara said nodding his head.

Sakura nodded her head and clasped her hands together and leaned forward putting them before her mouth her elbows on the table. She scanned the men before herself, analyzing, planning, figuring till she had a plan, "Alright, Kabuto, will you write everything that goes on from here till I say we're done?"

"Yes ma'am" He said grabbing a pad of paper and a pen, he sat in a chair to the side of her desk and got ready.

"Alright, this is the plan; Deidara, Sasori,Tobi you 3 will rebuild and help the people in the area that was damaged from the attack from Takeshi. Pein, Madara, Kakazu, Hidan you guys will teach every shinobi and up coming one and Anbu thoroughly everyday for 8 hours. Itachi and Kisame I want you guys to teach the village people self defense and when needed help Deidara, Sasori and Tobi if they need it. Is there any questions?"

"What is the plan for the others when they return?"

Sakura leaned back and sighed, "I'm hoping that when they return they bring news that Tsunade and Gaara agree with my treat so that I may send birds asking for foods and clothing supplies and such. While those messages are being sent out I will have them separated into the areas I just put you all to help, so when or if that does happen I don't want fighting, I don't want squabbles. I want you all to smile and be happy about it or such it up and fight when you're not in front of the villagers."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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