Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Uncontrollable, a Punk Luke Hemmings Story 

I shake my head, hair flying around me. It might be time to cut it. I refocus on the fact that I just met the fourth member of my best friends' band. 

"Are you kidding me right now? That douche is Luke Hemmings, your best friend? Nope. I don't believe it."
They look like they're trying not to laugh. 

"That is definitely Luke. He's a bit of... am acquired taste." Calum manages to get out. 

My fingers twitch. This is getting nowhere. And I'm still pissed off. 

"Acquired taste is how you say asshole politely." I mumble, before speaking louder as I realize something. "Why did you guys want us to meet so bad? I don't see how that went well." 

Ashton grins at me. "That was the point. We figured you two would clash like that. Bit entertaining, yeah?" 

Michael laughs at my scowl. "C'mon Andy, don't be mad. We honestly didn't expect him to go all freaky possessive on you. Luke has a lot of girls, don't worry about him." He wraps an arm around my shoulder, which I try to shake off, but am unsuccessful as he grabs the lemonade bottle Luke got for me and presses it into my hand, steering me out of the kitchen. 

Bloody Luke. I could already tell he wasn't going to be easy. 

Michael dropped me off next to the makeshift stage, where Luke was already situated, tuning a guitar. He looked up at us, and I promptly ignored him. 

Michael and Ashton hop on stage, laughing and smiling like excited children. It'd be adorable if Luke wasn't in my view too, also laughing. 
Calum stayed next to me, resting his elbow on my shoulder. I didn't mind- too distracted by the many people filing into the room, crowding around us, obviously here to listen to their band. 

"Andy, just relax. Luke isn't that bad, I promise. He's just intense at first. He goes through girls faster than anyone else. He'll move on in a day or two. Just chill out and enjoy the music." He doesn't look at me, just watching his band mates set up the final parts for their performance. 

I don't reply, watching them too. 

Michael beckons Calum forward, obviously ready. Calum gets off me, grinning as he goes. "One last thing- you look hot. Don't let anyone tell you different." And then he's on stage, slinging on his bass. 

They introduce themselves as 5 Seconds of Summer, and the smile is now wide on my face. 

There's people crowding around me, more than I had anticipated, but all thoughts leave my mind because they've started playing and Calum is singing and they are so, so good. 

Damn. I have been missing out. They're standing in front of me, singing about being friend zoned„ and there isn't a girl here not turned on. 

I can't blame them. They have skill. I underestimated them. 5 Seconds of Summer is good. And attractive. 

I don't even notice the smell of alcohol, the bodies pressing into mine, the screaming, too caught up in my best friend's music. Ashton catches my eye as I watch in complete awe and happiness. The dimples make an appearance, and my laugh is lost in the sound of the crowd. 

The song changes and I'm suddenly distracted by much more pressing matters. 

Luke has started singing. 

My head turns of it's own accord, seeking out the source of this voice that can only be described as sex for the ears. After trying since entering the room to avoid looking at him, I can't seem to look away, caught up in the way his fingers fly up and down the guitar, the passion he puts into the song, the stupid little smirk and I hate myself for it. 

I hate myself even more when he catches my eye, sending the smirk my way. I pull down my shirt, making sure the belly button ring is covered up, just in case. This makes him grin, and my middle finger rises on its own. 

Trying to shake off what he does to me, I focus back on the other boys, refusing to look at him through the rest of the set, which is giving me chills. I'm surprised they don't have groupies, but judging from the looks some of the girls in the crowd are giving them, I Don't exactly think it'll be that long. 

All too soon, its over and the crowd is dispersing, wandering back to whatever it is these people do at parties like this. 

Michael texts me to wait outside for them. The party is obviously winding down, and they have to clear up their equipment.  

Suddenly, I'm exhausted, overwhelmed by the sounds and smells of the party.I walk outside to the back, just needing some air, the crowd of people finally getting to me. 

I make my way to the back porch, which is mercifully empty, save for a vague figure in the shadows who has absurdly long hair, so I figure is a female. She ignores me, so I take it as permission to stay in her hiding spot too. 

The door slides open behind me, and as I turn around, i realize its a guy. Not just any guy. AJ. The one I turned down. I don't think this could get worse. I manage to suppress my groan. Barely. 

"Andy Clementine. I've been looking for you." He drawls, clearly over my earlier rebuke and embarrassing of him. 

I open my mouth to tell him to kindly fuck off, too tired to deal with this shit, when the situation does get worse. Once again, the door opens and this time, it's Luke stepping through the door. 

He takes one look at AJ, who he is actually taller then, and raises a pierced brow. 

"Mine." The one word, directed towards the shorter boy, obviously carries weight. AJ throws a glare at Luke, but listens, slinking back inside. 

Luke looks satisfied, a smug look on his face as he eyes me. I don't say anything, simply watching him as he takes a step further. 

"You can pretend all you want. I saw the way you looked at me earlier." He speaks slowly, savoring each word. 

Rolling my eyes, I lazily reply. "And how was that?" 

Once again, he is invading my personal space, all too close to my face, even though he has to lean down to do it. 

"You want me too." He states simply.I open my mouth to reply, but I can hear Michael's voice from inside, calling Luke back, and before I can say anything, he's gone again. 

"Dammit." I growl, robbed of the chance to whip him with words.The sound of laughter nearly makes me jump. I'd forgotten about the other girl who'd just witnessed all that. 

"I'm calling it now. You two are going to end up together." The girl has finally stepped into the light, giving me a good look at her. At first glance, she appears tall, but it's just the tall spiked boots she has on, accentuated with the tight leather pants.  

I was right about her hair- the unruly and wild black hair hangs lower than even mine, hitting her ass. Her tank top is flipping me off. Her jewelry jangles as she moves, blue eyes i always wished I had piercing me. 

"Why would you say that?" I get out. I'm not usually intimidated, but for some reason, this girl intimidates me. Maybe it's the high cheekbones and the eyes that give the impression she sees everything, wide and electric. 

She smiles cynically. "People don't notice. But I do. Trust me, I'm calling it now. I'm Rose." She holds out a hand with long pale fingers, silver and black rings on almost every finger.I shake it, noting her accent, which definitely isn't Aussie. 

"I really doubt it. But I'm Andy." She steps back a few steps, heeled boots clacking on the ground. 

"Good luck then Andy. I'm sure you're going to need it with him." 

Then she's gone too and I'm left wondering what the hell just happened. 

*so this book is going to be the first in a 5sos series. Andy is main character of this one, and Rose will be main character of the next one. Question is, what boy do you ship her with? I just posted her outfit too if anyone is curious. Comment and lemme know.*

**Rose's Outfit-

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