Chapter 15

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*fair warning, the part with AJ may be a tad triggering for some people. Kinda dark.*

The Tuesday after our slight misadventure to the beach, Luke is still sleeping at my house, determined to make sure I'm protected from something he won't even tell me about that I'm beginning to suspect might not even be real. He doesn't sleep in my bed, and since that first night, I haven't went to his. Now he just climbs in through my window with some catch line, makes sure I'm fine, and sleeps in the guest bedroom. It's comforting, knowing he's down the hall, but nerve rattling too. There is a boy down my hall, and my dad could be home at any time. But Luke still won't tell me why the hell he has to be there, and I've had enough.

But walking into school with him at my side isn't that bad- no, we're not together, not even holding hands, but I'm getting looks of pure jealousy from many of the girls, looks I don't understand. Okay, maybe I do. It's no secret that Luke Hemmings is a hot as hell bad boy, and girls kind of love bad boys. I try to ignore the looks I'm getting as word spreads that Luke and I walked in together, but there's one face, everywhere I go that day, that grates.

AJ is seemingly everywhere- outside my class when I come out, the table next to us at lunch, causing the other boys to clench their fists repeatedly, but refuse to tell me a word. I'm too curious now- obviously their nerves have something to do with AJ, and if they won't tell me, then I'll find someone who will.

Calum seems to catch on, when I finally stop bugging them about it, and start glancing over at where AJ is sitting with his big blonde friend,whose name is Preston or something like that, who he rarely is without. They make a creepy pair, all stares and arrogance, but I don't see any other way around. As soon as Michael and Ashton get up to grab something from their lockers, Calum grabs my wrist, long fingers circling mine. "Andy. Please. Let it go."

I pull my hand away, snorting in frustration. "Calum, you can't tell me what to do, or keep something from me. You all keep making these cryptic warnings, and Luke insists on being over at my house every night. He even threw a fucking temper tantrum when I was talking to AJ at crowded club! I'm being kept in the dark about something that involves me, and I'm done with it."

Calum looks nervous, running a hand through his hair. "It's not that simple, can't you just trust us?"

"Trust you about what? I'm a big girl Calum, I can take care of myself."

He opens his mouth to try again, but the bell rings and I storm away, steps ringing on the linoleum. But Calum and the others have the last class with me, making it hard to slip away to where I can find AJ. I suppose I should just be glad that Luke isn't in this class too- it'd be almost impossible, as he is adamant I 'let it go.' But I find my opportunity when I slip away to the bathroom during the chaotic work time. Only one person at a time, and the wide eyed Michael who noticed my disappearance can't follow or do anything to talk me out of it.

As soon as I turn the corner from the classroom, AJ is there, lazily leaning against the wall as if he knew I would come.

"Andy Clementine. I was wondering when you'd try to talk to me." He drawls out slowly, standing up to his full height. He's shorter than Luke, but still way taller than I am. Ignoring the bad feelings I'm getting, I too straighten up, cutting straight to the point.

"Why were you and Luke fighting? Why does he tense up at the mention of your name?"

AJ laughs darkly. "Because I just happen to want the same thing as him. And I always get what I want. One way or another, it always becomes mine."

"And what is that?" I ask impatiently, but AJ seems content to take his time answering, enjoying the fact that I've had to come to him for information. I need him, and he can't get enough. A wave of nausea rolls through me.

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