Chapter 19

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Sunlight streams through the open window, burning through my eyelids, soft breeze accompanying it. But that wasn't what had woken me up- the fingertips trailing down my jaw, cold and callused, had drawn me out of sleep.

My eyes flutter open to meet bright blue ones staring back at me. A smile breaks out on my face before I even understand why. He's right there, sunlight lighting up his features. And it hits me that's he's actually still here.

"You stayed." It was the first time he'd ever stayed the whole night with me. The thought slams into me with the force of a train. Again. And then the implications.

Luke smiles easily at me. "You asked me to stay." He says simply, continuing to trace his way around my face. I notice how our legs are entangled carelessly, easily, rightly. His hair isn't made up, it's just messy and blonde, and begging for my fingers to sweep through it. I let my hand entangle itself in his hair, just playing with the fluffy and soft locks.

"Thanks." I whisper back quietly, meeting his gaze again. He just smiles a little wider, humming contentedly. He's humming an Ed Sheeran song quietly.

His lips start lightly exploring my face, my neck, my chest. I'm completely at ease until I notice the time over Luke's shoulder, and fall out of bed in surprise.

His voice is dry above me. "You should really stop doing that."

I scramble to my feet. "Luke! Get up! School starts in 10 minutes! We have to get ready."

Luke, who had sat up when I fell, slumps down again. "We don't have to do anything. School ends tomorrow." He mumbles.

I try not to get distracted by his exposed chest and arms, the swirling inked skin taunt over tight muscles catching my eyes like always. I grab his shirt from where he'd taken it off last night and toss it at him.

"All the more reason to go. Two days left Luke, you can suck it up."

"Can't we just play hooky this one time?" Luke whines, pulling a pillow over his head, leaving the shirt off.

"Nope. I'm going." I declare, grabbing a pair of shorts and a shirt out of my closet before marching to the bathroom and throwing my clothes on at top speed. I braid my messy hair at top speed, feeling proud at only take 5 minutes to get ready.

When I finally leave my bathroom, Luke is wearing a shirt again, pulling a beanie down over his tousled locks. "Oh good. You're coming." I remark as I tug on a pair of shoes, straightening up to find him in front of me.

Luke wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to him. "I'm not going. I have other plans. But I'll see you after school, yeah?"

I breath in his already familiar scent, laying my head against his chest. His words from last night rush back to me, and I find myself smiling into his t-shirt. "Alright, whatever. Be a rebel. Where are you going instead?" I ask curiously.

Luke pulls at the end of my braid trailing down my back before slapping my ass. I pull back.

"Oi. Stop doing that." My demand goes unnoticed as he kisses me quickly.

He grins easily. "Aren't you going to be late?"

My eyes flicker to the clock, and I notice he's right. I mutter an expletive under my breath, and he laughs at my reaction.

Luke grabs my ass this time, squeezing it roughly through my white shorts, placing another kiss on my open lips, and a kiss on the bite mark he'd left yesterday. "I'll see you later." He mutters before swinging out my open window.

"Why can't you exit like a normal person?" I yell in frustration out the window, but he's already gone. I grumble to myself as I stalk down the stairs, grabbing a banana to eat on the way to school, realizing again how good Luke is at controlling the conversation and avoiding my questions.

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