Chapter 30

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*JUST TO CLEAR SOMETHING UP ABOUT THE LAST CHAPTER'S AUTHOR NOTE ABOUT THE SEQUEL- when I say another boy, I mean Ashton, Calum, or Michael with their respective love interest. And as to the whole Andy/Luke sequel if that's what you want, it will take place after the end of this book, and somewhere in between the end of this book and the next, they would have broken up. Hope that clears it up.*

"I'll be back later. Promise." Luke whispers in my ear, hands settling on my hips. I'm sure I look like I just spent the whole day on an airplane, and my hair probably reflects the fact that I just spent 5 hours sleeping on a a hard chested boy, but Luke doesn't seem to care, burying his face in my neck. The doorknob behind me is digging into my back, but it doesn't bother me.

I know that we shouldn't stand this close, that my dad could be home at any time, that I should go inside, but I can't manage to pull away from him just yet. "I'll see you then." I murmur back. Luke kisses me once, twice, three times, flattening himself against me, backing me flush against my front door, kissing me recklessly. His hands brush up under my sweater, just barely grazing my sides with cool fingers. He pulls away, slightly breathless, hands still on my skin, sending a thousand tingles coursing through my body, the electricity that's been there since we first met still present.

He kisses me one more time, a chaste and quick kiss, just a grazing of our lips before turning around and grabbing his bag from where it had been discarded, walking towards his house.

I grab my own bag from where it had ended up on the ground, unlocking the door easily. I'm still reeling from Luke's goodbye kiss, and despite the fact that it's late, feel wide awake, ready to go for a night run.

I walk through the front, expecting silence and solitude, dropping my keys and bag on the floor without even glancing up. I don't expect to see my father glaring at me, arms crossed across his broad chest, tall and formidable.

"Why the hell was there a boy dropping you off? I thought this whirlwind London trip was with this Rose girl. And why are you kissing that boy on my porch?" My father doesn't waste time, launching into me with no hesitation.

My fists tighten without my consent. "It was just with Rose. Luke was there for a completely different reason. We had the same flight home, and he lives down the street, he thought he could drop me off. No big deal." My voice is defensive.

I can visibly see the vein throbbing in his forehead. "Andrea, it's not a big deal that you're fooling around with some punk? You think it's alright for you to whore around?"

"I'm not whoring around, and if I was, why would it be any different from you having sex with any and every female who'll spread their legs for you? Don't be a hypocrite, or try to start parenting me now. I've made it perfectly fine making my own decisions, I don't need you to interfere now, especially when it doesn't matter at all to me." I spit back out, definitely not needing this right now.

My dad gives me a once over, expression softening a few degrees. "I know I haven't been home that often, but that doesn't mean I don't care for you. I just want you to be safe."

I almost choke. "Fabulous job you're doing of that. I can take care of myself, and I'm sick of everybody underestimating me. I'm fine, Dad, I can handle Luke, and if I sleep with him, then it's my choice, not yours, and does not make me a whore. So get over it, and kindly fuck off."

Now he looks like he's going to choke. "You cannot speak to me like that, I'm still your father. I don't approve of this relationship, or any kind of physical activity you do. You're old enough to make your own choices, I suppose I can't try and control you anymore. Just think about what you're doing. Please. For me."

I can only stare at the man in front of me who determined half of my genetics. I have no idea who he is. He tries to control me, calls me a whore, then tells me I can make my own choices, that he cares about me. I'm getting whiplash from trying to deal with him and his mood swings.

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