Chapter 21

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The fact that Jules was here sends my blood boiling. He knew better than to show up somewhere like this.

I get rid of him as soon as I can, searching around Ashton's familiar house for Andy. Somehow, we always ended up being interrupted before anything good could happen. We had unfinished business, and I needed to change that. The crowd parts for me. I know I intimidate them, and a small smirk works it's way onto my face.

But I can't seem to find Andy anywhere. And it's starting to piss me off. And worry me. Andy was tiny, and if anybody tried something with her, her ability to defend herself would be a problem. I had no doubt she could- girl could kick some serious ass, but that doesn't mean she can't get hurt. My pulse quickens a few beats. Nothing could happen to her.

I spot Rose and Chase in the crowd, striding over to them. Her blue eyes fix on me with a look of relief.

"Where's Andy?" I question, harsher than I meant to.

Rose's eyes widen, and she grabs my arm, pulling me through the crowd. Any other person could've been knocked out or shoved off by now, but I could feel her urgency. Chase follows behind us. Rose shouts to me over the crowd.

"Andy's freaking out, keeps thinking she's seeing AJ, so I took her to Ashton's room to calm down. I didn't think much of it until I saw his weird blonde friend, Preston or whatever. The two never go anywhere without the other and if he's here, AJ probably is too. Looking for Andy."

I process her words for half a second before I'm out of Rose's grasp and racing up the stairs, letting my longer legs pull me faster. AJ was dead serious about taking Andy, and I should've known he'd try something tonight. Why the fuck did I let her out of my sight? I had to find her first. I can hear Rose and Chase running after me, as well as Calum and Michael and Ashton's voices. Apparently, Rose filled them in too. But I'm too focused on finding the one girl that had changed everything to listen much to what's going on behind me.

I've just barely crested the top of the stairs when I see her. Andy's gorgeous hair is tousled, her cheeks red. I immediately zoom in on the fact that her shirt and pants are torn. There's blood on her.

I'm going to fucking kill him. My fists are already clenched in preparation to beat him to death. I've never felt such anger in my life.

Andy's running out of a room, running faster than I ever knew she could. She speeds past me and the others, running for her life. She's not crying, but it's obvious what happened.

My attention is snapped to the other person exiting the room Andy just came out of. AJ is stalking out, pants unzipped, red fingernail marks slashing down his face, cradling a fast bleeding hand. He's limping, and in the back of my mind, I feel a fierce pride in Andy.

He doesn't notice me, or Rose, and Calum behind me yet, muttering to himself.

"Stupid frigid bitch. I'm going to fucking-"

When I cut him off, my voice is scarier than I've ever heard it. "I would not finish that sentence if I was you."

AJ freezes like a deer in the headlights, looking terrified. As well he should. His death will be bloody and painful for even thinking about touching her, let alone actually trying to rape her.

I start towards him, ready to end his sorry life, but a hand wraps around my wrist, gaining my attention momentarily.

Rose's voice is urgent, desperate. "Luke, please don't do this now. Go find Andy, you're the only one who can calm her down right now. Please."

I know she's right, and the sight of Andy running out of that room flashes in front of my eyes again. Without a second thought, I'm bounding down the stairs, after the girl I don't think I could live without, trusting Rose and Calum to destroy AJ like I had wanted to.

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