Chapter 31

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Luke fends off all my questions as he drives, turning the radio up a notch each time I try to get something out of him. It's maddening, and eventually I just give up, staring out the window with a scowl on my face, listening to Luke sing along with the radio. Hearing him sing is a painful reminder he's leaving soon, but I shove that voice as deep into the recesses of my mind as I can, and try not to think about it at all.

Luke reaches over and grabs my hand at a stoplight, squeezing briefly. "Relax, Andy. You don't have to get one if you don't want to."

"Are you getting one done?"

"Just a small one." Luke promises, hand leaving mine to shift gears.

I flick my eyes to his face, watching the quiet intensity there as he drives. "Then why bring me?" I ask, a note of apprehension in my voice.

Luke glances over at me quickly. "So you can see how it all works. Decide if it's something you want."

I watch the way his eyes focus back on the road, determinedly not meeting mine again. A small amount of concern is creeping into my mind.

"Luke, this tattoo doesn't have to do with me, does it?"

He rolls his eyes. "Cocky, aren't we?"

"You didn't deny it."

"Does it matter if it is?"

I bite my lip, looking back out the window. "It does matter. Tattoos are permanent. I may not be."

His hands tighten on the steering wheel a bit. "I'm well aware tattoos are permanent. That's the point. I'm going to always be fighting for you, Andy, and I want something about you on my skin. Forever. You've already marked me, this will just be a bit more obvious. It's my choice, and I want something to always remind me of you."

I have no response to that. This is a big thing, and the fact that Luke is even doing it says more than words could ever. So I stay quiet. I know Luke getting this tattoo means a million things. And the fact that he's taking me means even more. It makes me scared- now that Luke's doing this, I feel like it's setting us up for heartbreak.

Luke pulls into the parking lot of a small building, inconspicuously tucked between two much bigger places. The windows are tinted, blocking my view inside.

Luke turns the car off, turning to me with a sigh.

"Andy. Are you okay with this?"

"I can't stop you, it's your body. All I'm saying is that this is almost asking for something to happen between us. And I'm scared." I admit.

Luke takes my face between his long fingers, staring at me intently. "I'm not going anywhere. You and I are in this together."

I stare at him a moment, taking in the way his eyes dig into me. And then I nod. "I trust you."

Luke keeps our eyes locked a moment before slowly dropping his hands and getting out of the car. I shakily follow him. He casually links our hands, causing a small smile to appear on my face. He doesn't miss it, smirking.

He opens the door for us, and we're immediately greeted by a man covered in colorful tattoos.

"Luke! I've been waiting all day for your lazy ass, are we gonna get to it or what?" He stops abruptly, catching sight of me. It doesn't surprise me that he took so long to notice me. Next to Luke, I'm tiny and unnoticeable.

"And who is this?" The man drawls, slow smile easing over his face.

I stick my hand out. "I'm Andy."

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