Chapter 9

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When I get home, Calum is sitting on my curb, in almost the exact same place Luke was just a few days ago. But it's different. This time I don't have that hollow and butterflying feeling in the pit of my stomach. I feel better.

I have a friend who is actually the same gender as me. I've told someone the way I feel about Luke, even if I still resent it. But I still can't shake the way Calum was looking at me in the restaurant. Like he knew something.

And when I get out of the car, I can tell he does. I'm not sure if it bothers me or not. I'm also unsure of whether it should bother me or not.

He smiles easily at me, flashing teeth. "Hey Andy. I've been waiting for you. Where've you been?"

I shrug, just a little apprehensive. "Out with Rose. What do you need?"

He crinkles his nose at the mention of Rose. "The kinda scary chick with the super intense eyes from the party?" I nod and he shakes his head, trying to get back on topic.

"Okay. But I'm really here because I wanted to talk to you." He trails off, glancing down at his feet.

"I gathered that. About what Calum?"

He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck, bracelets clanking against one another. "Luke. He's my best friend. I've been there for a lot with him, and he's been there for me too. I don't want to know what's going on between you two, let alone why the hell he gave you a hickey in the school hallway, but I'm not dumb. I see something there."

I clap my hand over my neck where Luke bruised me, and open my mouth, but absolutely nothing comes out. I feel like a fish out of water, gaping like this.

Calum smiles gently at my expression. "I guess what I'm saying, Andy, is don't hurt him. I know you think he's a player, and he usually is, but I've never seen him like this. You're different. I don't want him to hurt you either. So just think about it. I won't bring it up again unless I need to, but just don't break him more than he's already broken." He brushes a piece of hair back from my face, reminiscent of when Luke had done it, before continuing. "I ship it already."

He grins at my still bewildered expression, patting my head in a condescending manner. I slap his hand away, but he just laughs. "Love you Andypoo." He sings before taking off down my street, probably towards Luke's house, leaving me standing on the lawn and feeling like a complete moron.


I wake up the next morning, dreading school. Seeing Luke is not high on my list of things I want to do. I'm not sure where we stand right now. That kiss meant business but the fact that he is an asshole still remains. But that kiss.

I pull my head out of the clouds with a freezing shower, hoping to shock some sense into myself. It works, leaving my hair dripping and long down my back. Forgoing makeup, as I do most days, I shrug into a pair of jeans and an oversized grey sweater I think I got at Warped last year. James had taken me.

I want to beat myself for even going there. I really don't need another complication right now.

Ashton doesn't pick me up today, as I told him not to. I time my arrival in school to be exactly on time, barely escaping being late, thus ensuring I don't have to see any of the boys (Luke) before I have to.

The day flies away with no sighting of Luke, though I catch glimpses of Mikey before lunch, when he, Ashton, and Calum collapse down next to me, apparently wiped out from their late night writing.

Ashton groans, burying his head in his arms, pushing away his food. "Tired band is tired." He mumbles, cursing Luke's name under his breath.

I throw a carrot at him. "How late were you guys up?"

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