Chapter 28

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James is still all flashing dark eyes and black hair, killer pale cheekbones and prominent collarbones, the kind of beautiful boy that spelt danger. His air is one of confidence and self satisfaction, an underlying tone of cruelty there for those who cared to look beyond his obvious attractiveness. His eyelashes are the long and fluttery kind girls would kill for, but seem to fit on his face. I can count at least 4 girls eyeing him and glaring at me for stealing his attention right now.

His dark grey eyes are fixed intently upon me, smooth lips pulled up into a half smile.

"Never thought I'd see you here again." He remarks, throwing back my shot and raising two fingers for more.

"Yeah, neither did I. And yet, here I am."

He smiles, the kind of smile he used to send me before starting some other game. "Why are you here?"

"Here, as in the bar? Or here, as in London?"


"London, came to get away from a guy, here to celebrate said guy getting signed to a label and going on tour."

He frowns playfully, reaching over to turn my stool so I'm fully facing him. "Sounds messy."

I laugh, finding it ironic that James is standing here in front of me, telling me my relationship with Luke is messy. "You have no idea."

James moves closer to me, his warmth both familiar and slightly uncomfortable. "Which one of these is this guy, and why is he not here with you, protecting you from guys like me who would like nothing more than to do immoral things to you?"

I swallow the memories his words bring up, pointing to Luke across the club, his figure easy to find, tall and surrounded by people, lip ring glinting in the multicolored lights. "That's Luke, and he's being a jackass."

"Musician? Really, Andy? And him? I thought you'd learned your lesson about the artsy types after me. You must have a thing for the type of guys who are only out to control you and get in those pretty panties of yours."James says amusedly.

I narrow my eyes at him, and he meets my gaze, his heavy with words unspoken.

"Still as fucking dumb as ever, I see, James." I hiss out, and he laughs.

"I've missed this! You were really the only girl who would stand up to me like this. Remember when you tried to punch me in the face after I fucked that beautiful bird at that New Year's party? I did love your feistiness, and you were quite the lover. Killer combination."

"I haven't missed it at all, and you can go fuck yourself."

He waggles his finger at me, and I get the feeling that one of his games is about to start. "That's rude, Andy, you can't just say that to people."

I roll my eyes, taking a newly full shot glass in my hands, but not taking it, simply swirling my finger around the rim. "I can say whatever I want to you, James, I think I've earned that right."

"Still bitter, I see."

"Not bitter, just done with your bullshit. I didn't want to ever see you again, yet here you are, bringing up old memories again."

He smiles, rising to his feet. "You don't want to hear about our old times? Maybe your Luke will. How do you think he'll like hearing about that time when I made you scream so loud that-"

I grab his wrist, yanking him down back to his stool, hating the gleam of satisfaction in his eyes and just wishing that I had stayed at the hotel, or that James could be replaced with anyone else. I really wished Luke or Rose was here. Or any of the guys. Just not him.

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