Chapter 8

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Something in my face must have convinced them I'm serious. They don't want to know what just happened. I don't even know what just happened. Calum is still standing close to me, and he looks really confused. "You smell like mint. And something else. Why is that so familiar?" He's muttering under his breath, but I'm too frazzled to really listen.

Mikey takes a critical look at me. I'm sure my eyes are as wild as the rest of me is. I'm struck again by how greedy Luke's hands were. Every part of me is still tingling from his touch. The bruise on my neck twinges painfully, reminding me of the one who gave it to me.

"Let's just ditch. I need a milkshake." Mikey declares, and I want to hug him for that. I already know I can't be left alone right now, or else some stupid part of me will replay the kiss over and over again until I go crazy. Or go attempt to find Luke again for round 2, because damn that boy can kiss. Neither are good ideas. So I smile, and link my arm around Michael's, letting him lead me down the hall.

"That sounds perfect. I need fries and chocolate." Ashton nods beside me.

"You read my mind." He looks behind us at Calum, who's still standing where we left him, with a curious look on his face.

I call back to him. "You coming?"

He shakes his head, the weird expression still on his face. "Nah, you guys go on ahead. I need to go talk to somebody."

Michael shrugs. "Your loss. Talk to you later, mate?"

Calum nods absentmindedly, pulling out his phone and doing something with it. That's the last glimpse of him I get before I'm pulled around the corner and out the door by Michael and Ashton.

The diner we end up at is small and brightly lit, tantalizing smells of fried food and pie wafting out. I inhale deeply. "What is that godly smell?"

Ashton laughs, attracting the glance of the female waitress who immediately smiles and saunters up to us, already flirting. Michael rolls his eyes, tugging me to a booth near the back.

"The food here is awesome. I could live on their burgers." He tells me as Ash and the waitress make their way over. He's smiling politely as she flips her hair and flashes her teeth at him, and I have to hide a smile at how hopeless it all is. He slides in the booth next to me, casually slinging an arm over my shoulder and she stiffens. I want to hit Ashton, but this is just too amusing. Considerably colder, she takes our orders. The boys don't even look at their menus, simply ordering a whole lot of food from memory.

As she walks away, I turn to the very relieved Ashton. "Did you seriously just use me as an excuse to get out of that?"

He laughs, removing his arm from my shoulders. "Sorry I had to. Couldn't do it anymore and you were the perfect excuse." I stick my tongue out at him.

"Don't do it again." I reply, and he just smiles, turning as starting some random conversation with Michael. I don't like being used, even if for something like that. Stupidly enough, my memory of kissing Luke in the hallway is back (and damn he was a good kisser), and I remember his reputation. Despite that, I'm remembering how he told me that I'm blind. I didn't consider myself blind. In fact, I thought I saw things and people pretty well. But apparently not Luke. He was a mystery, and I couldn't solve him. It made everything a million times more complicated. Usually, if I found a guy attractive, it'd be easy, no strings, getting out as soon as he started to like me more than he should. But Luke didn't fit into any particular category of feelings. And that bugged me. He bugged me, always on my mind.

I was snapped back to reality by the arrival of food at our table. Apparently, I had spaced out thinking about Luke longer than I had realized. The waitress sets down the huge platter of fries on the table, followed by milkshakes and burgers and I happily lose my train of thought staring at the food.

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