Chapter 27

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*once again,chapter warning. Or maybe it's not mature idk safety first*

I stir awake, blankets slipping around me, still floating on whatever dream I had just been having. Groggily, I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Thank god you're awake. I thought you had died." Rose's voice is snarky and way too close. I flinch back, finally noticing her perched on the edge of my bed.

"What time is it?" I ask in confusion, still seriously disoriented from whatever I'd been dreaming about.

"It's noon. Luke had to leave at 8, told me to tell you he's sorry, he'll make it up to you later, blah, blah, blah, and that I shouldn't walk in again, blah blah blah."

My mind finally clicks, and I can think. Right. Luke and the boys had that final meeting with One Direction today. Ever since we'd made up a few days ago, Luke had been sleeping with me in my room, or we'd end up in his room. Nothing more had happened since the night Calum interrupted us, with the exception of Rose walking in on us at much the same point as Calum had, only that time Luke hadn't been as gentle, and Rose had walked into a bit of a kinky moment with his head between my legs, mouth actually on my thigh. It was just making it worse, getting so close every time, only to be stopped by an audience. I had been starting to palpably feel his frustration. "Right." I slur out, sliding out of bed, walking to the bathroom. There are already clothes there, waiting for me.

Rose taps on the door behind me. "Get dressed, I'm starving."

I roll my eyes but follow her instructions anyway, tugging on the ripped jeans (shorts weren't an option, with all of Luke's marks decorating my thighs) and tank top she'd already set out for me. I could feel the stirrings of a long day, and figure it's best just not to argue.


We're halfway through lunch when Rose suddenly straightens, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Andy! Do you realize that if they get the gig, which they will, we're going to have to go out and celebrate? We need to go shopping."

"Uh, I'm pretty sure I have a dress I could wear or something back at the hotel room-"

"No, you need to look good. You and Luke never finished up your business from when Calum walked in on you, did you?"

"Um, I don't really see how that's relevant."

Rose rolls her eyes at my avoidance of it. "Look, you and Luke want to have sex, right? What better time than right after they get their first big deal? You need to look irresistible to him. We need to find you a hot outfit so he can't keep his hands off you, and you two can do the frickle frackle and stop oozing sexual tension everywhere. But you need to warn me first. I never want to walk in on him about to go down on you again because some shit you can't block out and I did not need to know he was that much of a biter, goddamn you have a lot of hickeys on your legs, he's a rough bastard, those teeth are sharp, fu-"

"I will go shopping with you if you just stop talking. Please. Just stop." I groan, hiding my face in my hands, knowing that a smug expression is gracing her pretty face. I don't need Rose recounting what she'd walked in in ever again. It was traumatizing enough to have her there the first time.

She stands, hauling me to my feet and linking her arm through mine, heels clacking sharply as we exit the small restaurant.

"I knew you'd come around to my way of thinking." Rose trills delightedly, setting course for the nearest clothes store.


I've only just thrown the bags of recently boughten clothes to the floor of mine and Rose's hotel room when a knock sounds persistently on the door. Rose is still out, but she has her room key, so I at least know it's not her. Not even bothering to look through the key hole, I toss the door open only to be swept up in several pairs of arms, squished between several much taller bodies.

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