Chapter 37

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Trailing down my spine, fingertips glide over my bare back, waking me up in the best way. The callused pads are familiar, tapping an erratic beat on my spine. When my eyes finally open, I'm greeted with a messy haired, shirtless, most likely still naked, grinning Luke.

Waking up next to Luke has always been one of my favorite things. The way I can feel his body warmth, the way his weight dips the bed slightly, the way his scruff tickles my skin when he nuzzles his head into my neck never fails to bring a smile to my face. And today, there's an extra weight in waking up next to him. Last night, I told him I loved him and we had sex. Waking up naked next to a naked Luke should make me feel happy, overjoyed, complete. And it is. But it also makes my mind go crazy, the morning shedding light on things I was happy to forget in the dark. My skin feels like it's tightening around me, trapping me with my dark thoughts until I hear his voice.

"Morning." Luke's voice is still gruff with sleep as he kisses my forehead.

I smile blearily back at him, stretching my limbs, noting the slight soreness between my legs, making the memories flood back into me. "Hi." I whisper back, voice scratchy.

Luke pulls me into his arms, our skin slipping and sliding against each other. Easily, our legs tangle together, chests pressed against one another.

"Last night was amazing." He murmurs, nuzzling his nose into my neck.

It feels so right to me, being here, completely enveloped by him, all my worried thoughts being rubbed away by his presence like writing in the sand wiped away by the tide. I hum contentedly against his chest, listening to his heart beat, it's rhythm weaving a spell around us, trapping us in a moment of time where everything is perfect.

The sun slants over his cheekbones just the right way, his long eyelashes casting shadows over his face. His fingertips trace the curve of my lips over and over again, the callused pad of his index finger brushing the soft skin. It's quiet, but for the thump of our hearts against each other and the rustle of the blankets against bare skin.

All too soon, the spell is broken, Luke's phone buzzing on the bedside table. Shutting his eyes, he hides his face in my chest, trying to block out the sound, groaning like a wounded animal. Laughing, I reach over and ignore Ashton's call, tossing the phone back on the stand.

"Who was it?" Luke groans, voice muffled by my collarbones.

"Ashton." I reply, stroking his hair as his soft sigh sends air whooshing over my skin.

He groans again, burrowing deeper into the blankets as he pulls them over his head. I kick his shin as his mouth trails over the bare skin of my stomach and hips, tickling me.

"I could really get used to waking up to you naked after hearing you scream my name the night before." Luke mumbles as he emerges back up.

"Yeah well, I kinda like having you in my bed naked too." I remark, placing my hand on his chest.

With a sly grin, he rolls on top of me, pinning my hands above my head as he leans in to kiss me, our mouths moving in perfect synchronization.

"Love you." I breath out quietly as he moves to my neck.

Luke rolls off of me, breathing heavily next to me on the bed, not saying anything in response. My heart rate seems to slow down all at once as he avoids looking at me.

"Luke-" I start, but he cuts me off, sliding out of bed.

"I'm supposed to be meeting the boys for a meeting about America later today, I'm gonna go shower." Without waiting for a response, he strides to the bathroom, leaving me here alone, every bit of peace I knew just a few minutes ago shattered.

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