Chapter 33

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The sun is bright and warm, filling up my room with light, just illuminating the mess in front of me. Clothes were scattered everywhere, shoes strewn carelessly on the floor, and lazily thrown over a chair was Rose, presiding over the madness. Michael and Ashton were presumably buried beneath a mound of clothes somewhere, long past recovery. I didn't even know I had owned this many clothes, so it was safe to say a good mix of these were Rose's too.

"All this mess for one outfit?" I asked mournfully, shoving a pile of shirts off my bed so I had a place to sit.

Rose checked her nails incredulously. "Andy! This isn't just one outfit- this is your first impression, your first chance to impress them! It has to be perfect."

"Right. Rose, I don't know if I can do this-" I start, but Ashton, popping up from where he'd been lying on the floor, just out of sight, cuts me off.

"No, Andy, you have to do this. It's the perfect opportunity and you'll hate yourself forever if you don't do it." He reprimands me, pulling a now brown haired Michael up with him.

I groan, hating their logic. Rose had set me up with an interview at a local music company she knew who had an internship open. I wasn't even sure what it was for- the company had a radio station, published a popular magazine, and had even signed a few small bands. It was getting bigger everyday though. But I knew they were right- this opportunity was huge and if I was serious about moving out, I needed a job. It wasn't like I hadn't had a job before- I had been a waitress in the UK and worked at a tiny record store in Ireland. But I wanted this one so bad it made me anxious. I didn't know what I wanted to study at Uni yet, but I knew I wanted music in my life, and this could help me figure it out further.

"I know, I know." I sighed, breathing deeply to help settle my nerves.

Michael sits next to me, slinging an arm over my shoulder. "You'll be great kid. Don't worry."

"Did you just call me kid?"

"Yeah." He replies nonchalantly, flopping back on my bed as Rose tosses me the outfit she had deemed "perfect." She smiles at me, nodding toward the bathroom encouragingly.

I walk in, pushed by an impatient Michael, donning without complaint the hair waisted black skirt with the grey tank top tucked in, lace up black combat boots on my feet. I was oddly nervous, wanting this job more than I should, and wishing Luke was here to calm me down.

It'd been a week since Luke had taken me out on the best date I had ever been on, but aside from a few hours a few nights ago as he slipped in my window, I hadn't seen him since. He's been busy, and I had been preparing for this interview, leaving us with not much time to see each other. He'd called me earlier, wishing me luck for this interview, but it was different from actually having him here. I felt stupid, wishing he was here just so I wouldn't be so nervous about this interview. Luke made me steadier, but I could be absolutely fine doing this by myself.

I sucked in a deep breath, exiting the bathroom to Rose and Michael chatting animatedly as Ashton played on his phone. They all looked up and smiled at me, looking almost creepy in their synchronization.

"Do I look alright?" I self consciously ask, tugging at the hem of the skirt.

"Hell yes. Good luck, call me when you know how it went." Rose flounces up, nodding. She kisses my cheek before skipping out, off to due whatever it is she does, and Michael follows her, looking like a lovesick puppy. Ashton stays as I grab my purse and keys slowly.

Staying quiet, he walks out to my car with me, putting his hands on my shoulders and looking into my eyes seriously. "Luke would be here to support you if he could."

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