Chapter 35

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"I'll be off at 5." I lean back through Luke's driver side window.

Quickly, he drops a kiss to my lips. "I'll be here. Good luck."

"Thanks. I'll see you then." I say nervously before turning around, walking towards the modern building, steeling myself for my first day.

Almost to the building, I turn back around towards Luke, and he's still watching me. He winks, before sliding his sunglasses on his face and starting the car again. "Hate to let you go but love to watch you leave!" He calls out the window before driving off.

A wide grin opens up on my face, nerves gone. As dumb as the comment was, it had made me feel better, nerves dissipating.

I adjust my shirt, giving myself a last once over before walking into the building, walking confidently into Chris' office.

Still as shockingly young and good looking as I remember, Chris jumps up as I walk in.

"Andy! Good, you're here. Right now, we're going to start you on helping out at the radio part, then next week it'll be the magazine and online segments, and we'll just work out from there. Sound good?"

"Sounds good." I confirm, following him out as he leads me to the radio rooms.

From there, he hands me off to Janelle, a pretty woman who basically runs the radio portion of the company. She has strong dark eyes that are always flashing with curiosity beneath her glasses, and her voice is nice, exactly the kind you'd expect from someone in radio. It's mostly just figuring out what I'll be doing here, but it's fun, and Janelle is a chatter. She asks me more about me than I can keep up with.

"Boyfriend?" She asks as we set up a side room for an acoustic show later in the day.

"Yeah, his name is Luke." I reply as I adjust a microphone.

"What's he like?"

Hesitating, I try to think of the best way to describe Luke to someone who had never met him. He was more complicated than a few sentences can communicate. "Well, he plays guitar in a band, he's freakishly tall-"

"Are you talking about Luke Hemmings?" Janelle interrupts, eyes wide beneath her stylish glasses.

"Uh, yes?"

"Oh my god, I cannot believe this. 5 Seconds of Summer is a band we've been keeping an eye on, part of our Up and Coming Acts. We were trying to go and photograph them at their last concert here in Australia before they left for the States and their tour with One Direction, the one on Friday. But I'm assuming that, as Luke's girlfriend, you'll be going to that anyway?"

"That's the plan."

"Oh, great. Would you mind being our eyes and ears there? Taking a few pictures, interviewing the boys a bit? Consider it your first official assignment here." Janelle smiles brightly at me, but it's clear it's not just a request. Not that I mind.

With a grin twisted into my face at the thought of getting to boss the boys around as an interviewer, I quickly agree. "I would love to."

"Perfect! I'll have Chris get you a camera tomorrow to take with you to the concert on Friday. This is fantastic, really great." Janelle keeps mumbling excitement under her breath, apparently relieved to have the issue resolved.

Flying by quickly, time races after I receive my assignment, the day blurring away as I start to learn how to do what I need to do. From the looks of it, I'll be doing everything- Anything from getting coffee to coordinating artist visits to possibly actually being on air. There's so much to do, so much variety, so much energy here that I feel it thrumming through, marching to the best of the constant music playing, emphasizing the fact that this company is all about music. Everything I've ever wanted and more, the behind the scenes of the music industry was vibrant, tugging me in, and I don't even notice when 5 rolls around, signaling the time to go home.

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