Chapter 20

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*this chapter might have trigger warnings for some people, proceed with caution*

With every step further into the house, the music gets louder, the crowd thicker. The smell of alcohol and perfume intensifies. Luke's hand is tight around my own, holding on to me against the sway of bodies trying to push us apart.

People are everywhere, all dancing, all partying. It's a kind of chaos in this kind of party, and it's hard to make way through the crowd, with the pulsing limbs. A particularly harsh shove sends me off balance in my tall heels, but before I can fall, Luke is there, wrapping an arm around me, shoving the guy who had ran into me viciously. The guy goes sprawling on the floor, looking pissed until he realizes the absurdly tall, tattooed and pierced boy was the one who had pushed him. Then he looks scared.

"Don't fucking touch her." He growls clearly, and the boy scrambles away, terrified.

I wrap my fingers around Luke's arm around my waist. "Luke, come on."

With a last glare at the offending guy, he turns back to me, keeping his hold on my waist as we start pushing our way through the crowd again. I don't comment on Luke's reaction to an accidental shove, but the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach has returned. Not even Luke's presence can put me at ease, which worries me more than I thought it would. I'd always felt safe around Luke, even if he was being a dick. I catch a flash of a familiar brunette head through the crowd and feel a temporary flash of panic. I take a deep breath, concentrating on the feel of Luke's strong arm on me. AJ wasn't here. I was just panicking, letting my sick feelings get the best of me. No need to worry.

"Andy!" I'm jerked out of my thoughts with another arm thrown over my shoulder, a sloppy kiss pressed to my cheek.

I look over to see a happily intoxicated Michael, with a laughing Ashton behind him.

Luke let's go of me as I turn and hug Michael back, my hair swinging over one shoulder.

"Hi boys." I choke out as Ashton joins the hug. His eyes are a bit shiny, but he doesn't look as obviously buzzed as Michael does. Calum is behind them, grinning at his friend's actions. He waits until I've thrown Michael and Ashton off of me before gently embracing me too.

I stifle a laugh at his happy giggles in my ear. When he pulls away too, Luke throws his arm around my shoulder, playing with a piece of hair. I ignore him as I talk to the others.

"This is a serious party Ashton. I'm impressed."

lHe smiles at me, waving his hands around at the dim lights and happy people. "You thought I was exaggerating. I know how to party. The one weekend a year my parents leave and ask no questions. It's great."

I take another look around the full living room, people swaying to the beat everywhere you look. The feeling of not wanting to be here intensifies. I force a smile. "Yeah, it's pretty amazing. Congratulations."

Calum pinches my cheeks with a half smile, seeming to sense my unease before proclaiming that he needs a drink and sauntering away. With a hopeful look, Michael follows, ready to drink the night away. I'm surprised he even came to this big of a party, but the thought of free booze and pretty girls must have been too much for him to resist.

I phase out of the conversation Luke and Ashton are having, simply people watching. I catch a glimpse of Rose across the room, her bare legs long and lean, attracting many glances. Michael seems to be enraptured by her, looking over at her even as he refills his cup. She's surrounded by the other members of her band-Lyle, Parker, and Chase, who catches me staring and winks subtly, his dark eyes flashing even in the multicolored lights.

As if being alerted to the fact that another attractive boy was giving me attention, Luke sporadically leans over and kisses me. Ashton, who had apparently been in the middle of a sentence, sputters awkwardly, then leaves, leaving me and Luke to whatever we were doing.

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