Chapter 15

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Third person Narrative Pov.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER!" An angry dragonslayer yelled.

The guy gave him a wicked smile.

"I just casted a simple spell on her... I won't tell you what it is, but I will tell you how to break it!" Kenji replied.

"What is it?" Natsu growled.

"You have to make her remember who you are!" He chuckled.

"Oh yea, there's more, you only have about a week. If you fail she turns against you." With that he and the other two unconscious members of his guild faded away.

Natsu looked over at Lucy and cried.

"HOW CAN I TELL YOU I LOVE YOU IF YOU WONT REMEMBER ME!" He screamed at the unconscious Lucy in tears.

He wrapped his scarf around her to cover her up, then carried her bridal style out of the forest. Forget about the mission, I'm bringing Lucy to the guild to see if they can do anything.

*** meanwhile ***
At the guild

Gray's Pov.

"Hey Mira, have you seen flames for brains and Lucy?" I asked the white haired goddess at the bar.

Panic showed on her face.

"No they've been gone for a few days. They went on this mission..." She said in a worried tone.

"What mission was it!" I wanted to know immediately. Poor Lucy!

"Ummm this one to capture some guys in a dark guild..." She filled me in.

Erza came over.

"Where's Natsu and Lucy?"

I filled her in. We all began to worry. I slammed my fists on the table, making everyone stare. At that moment, the guild door opens, revealing Natsu carrying Lucy bridal style into the guild with his scarf wrapped around her gigantic breasts. I blushed at the sight.

"Wendy! Can you heal Lucy! Also I need to talk to you privately." Natsu said the last part under his breath. What's going on, I wondered.

"Sure Natsu!" The worried little girl with the white exceed proclaimed in a heartbeat.

Wendy's Pov.

I did as much as I can to heal Lucy. She had a few wounds but none were that bad. She just had to wake up any time from being unconscious. I turned to Natsu who had his head down and his hair covering his face.

"What is it Natsu-San?" I said gently.

He began to shake and started to sob heavily, his breathing was unevenly heaving. I pulled him into an embrace.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Lucy!!!" He cried.

Before I could speak he continued.

"S-she *sniffle* she w-won't *sneeze* remember me!" He cried out loud.

Team Natsu came into the room looking at the dragonslayer cry his heart out. They all stood there shocked.


He ran out of the room crying. Erza, Gray, and Happy stood there shocked. Levy rushed in followed by gajeel, and eventually, the whole guild had asked what happened. I began to explain.

Love like this can never be broken but awoken ❤️NALU❤️ (fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now