Chapter 28

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Lucy's Pov.

I've been really tired lately. Ever since I left the guild a few hours ago something seemed off. I couldn't take my finger off what Lisanna had in her hand. My phone then started to go off, breaking my train of thought.

"Hello?" I answered, waiting for a response.

"Hey Lucy master Makarov wants you at the guild now."


"Natsu..." She trails off.

I hang up and run over there as fast as my legs can take me.

---Time Skip---
***at the guild***

I run in there out of breath.

"What's going on?" I ask immediately.

"Lisanna did something to Natsu." Laxus states.

He then pulls out an empty pink bottle with a tab on it.

"She put this in his drink." He told her.

"What is it?" Lucy screeched worried about to breakdown.

"Porlyusica's been looking at the mug that he drank from that Lisanna gave him. It's a love potion.... We're sorry but she doesn't know whether or not it's temporary or permanent. She also can't tell whether or not the rules are regarding the potion itself." Levy told her.

Lucy looked down at the ground. Tears threatened to fall and some did.

The guild gave her a group hug but after a while she pulled away

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The guild gave her a group hug but after a while she pulled away.

"I'm going to find Natsu." She declared, and before anyone could stop her she was out the door.

Natsu's Pov.

I took Lisanna to the beautiful cherry blossom tree that I would always go to. It was so pretty, but she was prettier. We stayed there for a while holding hands until she started to shiver.
I moved closer to her to keep her warm.
(A/N this may give a lot a way but notice he's not giving her his scarf? Can anyone guess why? Hint: it does have to do with Lucy tho he can't put his figure on it... Or the spell! Hehehe I already said too much😅😅😅)

Third person narrative Pov.

"Hey Natsu?" Lisanna asked.

Natsu looked at her not meeting her eyes but nodding.

"I love you." She told him smiling.

He chuckled but before he can say anything he heard footsteps. A blonde girl came out into blue. He looked at her and began to feel dizzy.

"Natsu...?" She said in a small hopeful voice.

He noticed Lisanna glare. Lucy looked her dead in the eyes and gave her one of the creepiest, most scariest, and threatening Erza glares a person could give. He could feel Lisanna shiver but he looked up at the blonde beauty. They're eyes met as he looked directly into them hesitate.

"YOU BITCH!" Lucy screamed about to lunge for the girl but to be stopped by a crazy NALU fan, Sakura!

Yes boo! No this is not a prank!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 THE NEXT CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO YOU! 😀😀😀😀 I'm gonna leave off there... It's a good cliffhanger. Also though, before I go, I would like to thank everyone for reading this book. Whether you commented or voted, or not it still mean a lot to me that my first book is being viewed by a lot of people fairly quickly.

Love like this can never be broken but awoken ❤️NALU❤️ (fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now