Chapter 25

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Third person narrative Pov.

The two stared at each other. Then Bickslow pulled lissana up.

"You're not dead?" He questioned.

"Clearly not if I'm standing in front of you!" She snarled.

"Well don't have to be a bitch! What's your problem ?" He scoffed not really wanting to know what she was gonna say.

"Natsu and that blonde bimbo! Oh hey, wait a sec! Can you use you're babies to kill Lucy and take her soul?" Lisanna asks.

"Oh no! That cheerleader can fight! Plus I'm not messing with salamander after! He's always protected her, plus we're all in the same guild." He told her sweat dropping remembering their battle.

" He told her sweat dropping remembering their battle

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(A/N him remembering the battle in the anime)

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(A/N him remembering the battle in the anime)

Lisanna groans. Bickslow studies her before a thought hits his mind.

"Hey Lisanna, I have an idea though..." Lisanna looked up nodding, meaning she wanted to hear it so he continued, "...there's this magic shop that sells lots of potions not far from here. Maybe they have a love potion one." He finished.

Lisanna smiled.

Perfect, she thought

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Perfect, she thought.

"Alright I'll see you later Bicks!" She cheered.

Bickslow scratched the back of his head.

"Uh okay..." He muttered.

That girl needs a man that 1) Isn't already taken and 2) actually IS in love with her, he thought. He continued to walk to the guild.

Lisanna's Pov.

Where the hell is that magic shop. I've walked a block for almost 20 damn minutes! Oh is that it?

 I've walked a block for almost 20 damn minutes! Oh is that it?

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Proper Grocer? Cool, now let's see. I head inside the store and look around.

It's definitely a magic store! I roam the isles and look for a love potion and find one, then I quickly look for the cash register to pay for it

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It's definitely a magic store! I roam the isles and look for a love potion and find one, then I quickly look for the cash register to pay for it. I see a very odd looking man and he rings in the item.

 I see a very odd looking man and he rings in the item

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"That'll be $500 jewels." He tells me.

I groan and pull all the money out of my pocket. Damn, the things I'll do for you my Natsu hubby, I think to myself. I pay the man and then rush back to Fairytail.

Let's just hope this works

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Let's just hope this works... I grunt to myself

Third person narrative Pov.

***meanwhile at the guild***

Mira is off the chain celebrating nalu. People in the guild are questioning Lucy and Natsu for being a new couple. Everyone is having a great time until Lucy cuddles up to Natsu.

"What's wrong Luce?" Natsu asked worried.

"I don't feel well." Lucy states.

Natsu picks her up bridal style but Lucy tells him to put her down.

"Natsu I got it! Let me walk home myself..." She mumbles.

He puts her down.

"Okay if you want. I love you!" He tells her giving her a kiss.

"Love you too!" She said to him walking out the door.

Love like this can never be broken but awoken ❤️NALU❤️ (fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now