Chapter 13

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Natsu's Pov.

Finally after hours of searching, I had come across the cave. I heard light sobbing and followed it. As I walked toward the sobbing, I smelt vanilla and strawberries. Lucy!

"Lucy! I'll get you out of there," I whispered to her.

She nodded her head. Bastards. I'm gonna burn them to a crisp for hurting my Luce. I started to burn the chains with my fire, and surprisingly, it worked. So whoever made the chains wasn't that strong. Lucy weakly fell to the ground.

"Hey Luce, I'm gonna take care of business. Do you have any idea where they went?"

"Natsu... I remember them going down deeper into the cave." She told me.

Perfect. I smirked and then left Lucy, telling her that I'll be right back after taking care of some business. I ran along the cave quickly until I saw I was coming close to an extended part of the cave and dead end. I also heard voices. So they caught me I guess. I got ready to attack  and was ready when I saw some lilac strands of hair. This is for hurting my Luce. This means war.

"Fire Dragons Roar"

I put so much power into that one move. Before anyone could attack me back, the fire started spreading until it was until it was at the end of the cave. Uh oh! Whoops... There was no way in hell they would survive that. The fire was burning everything. I tried to stop it by eating it but there was so much. By the time I had finished, The purple flame members were all knocked out. Or dead. I went over to check there pulse. There was none. Oh sweet Mavis? I'm a murderer! I felt ashamed of myself. I sat there looking down at the lifeless bodies when I heard footsteps. It was Lucy. Oh god she's gonna be so ashamed of me. I started to cry.

 I started to cry

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Lucy's Pov.

I started walking through the cave to find Natsu although my legs were weak. Every so often, I would fall, then pick myself up before I ended up crawling the whole way there. As I saw a blur of pink around the corner, I used all my strength to stand up. That's when I moved closer to him. I heard him crying. Oh no!

"Natsu..." I started then ran up behind him and hugged him before finishing "... It's okay what happened?"

I wish I had never asked. He began to sulk even louder. I looked around the cave. Three lifeless bodies laid on the ground. Gulp... N-Natsu ummm killed them?!

"Oh Natsu we can probably help them don't worry let's try and get them somewhere before they get taken away. Maybe they're be okay!" I started to try and say by making it better.

"LUCY THEYRE DEAD! I killed them... It was me, I killed them. I'm too dangerous. It's all my fault everything th-"

"Natsu shut up! It's not your fault. You were doing what you could to protect me and yes, things like this happen!" I cried hysterically.

Love like this can never be broken but awoken ❤️NALU❤️ (fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now