Chapter 21

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Lucy's Pov.

It's getting pretty dark out so I start to walk home, or at least try to. I don't know this place well but I continue to try my best and remember the way. Along the way I hear someone's footsteps. I turn around in the direction I heard the footsteps.

"Show yourselves! I know someone's here." I grunted.

A few guys came out and walked over to me.

"Awwe what's a pretty lady with a precious body like that doing here?" A male with scar down his arm asked.

Third person Narrative Pov.

"What does that matter to you?!" She retorted, about to walk away but another guy grabbed onto her.

"Hey let me go!" She screamed.

"Why sweetheart? We just wanna talk a little and talk to you and maybe get to touching" The tallest man said.

"I SAID LET ME GO!" Lucy shouted.

Deep down she was thinking to herself: wasn't there someone who would save me. I remember a flash of someone always catching me when I fall. Pink. She shook away the thought as one of the guys pulled her up onto their body. She closed her eyes scared of what was gonna happen to her when she heard a very distinct voice scream over at them.


Natsu's Pov.

I saw a couple of guys all over Lucy and one of them picked her up and tried feeling on her.


I shouted knocking out the two guys I had aimed at since they weren't carrying Lucy and I didn't wanna hurt her.

"Put Luce down! Don't you ever lay a finger on her again or I'll burn you to a crisp!" I growled going to punch him in the face when he dodged.

Third person narrative Pov.

It became a heated fight as the two went at it with Lucy in the mans arms. He didn't wanna hurt her but he was running out of options.

"Fire Dragons Roar!" Natsu yelled as he aimed for the guys arms burning them.

Lucy went flying in the air and Natsu caught her in the nick of time then ran out of there with her riding on his back.

Lucy went flying in the air and Natsu caught her in the nick of time then ran out of there with her riding on his back

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While bringing Lucy to her apartment Natsu tried to talk to her.

"Hey Lucy?"


"I love you Lucy."

Wait no he thought. I shouldn't have said that she's obviously not answering because she's mad or... Wait a second. I hear very light snores. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! SHES BEEN SLEEPING THIS WHOLE TIME, THAT TOOK ME DAYS TO GET THE COURAGE TO SAY AND SHES ASLEEP. He chuckles after. Well that'll probably take 100 years next time I confess.

Eventually they ended up at Lucy's apartment. He actually used the door for once and slipped her into the bed. Then Natsu crawled up next to her like he usually would do, not thinking about how he knew that times aren't the same because she forgot all about me and the next day she'll be surprised to see someone she just met the other day sleeping with her.

Love like this can never be broken but awoken ❤️NALU❤️ (fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now