Chapter 16

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(A/N Get your guns ready! She's coming in at this chapter... 🔫🔫🔫🔫 and she wants Natsu.)

Natsu's Pov.

I couldn't take it anymore. I ran to Lucy's apartment crying. I laid on her bed taking in her scent to calm me down. I hope I can fix this spell. Happy flew through the window.


I stayed silent.

"Natsu, we heard what happened. Please come to the guild! Lucy may wake up soon and you should be the first person to see her. You won't be able to break the spell if you don't go around her and at least try."

I nodded. Happy is right. I ran back to the guild. As I was running to the infirmary, I hit into someone. I got up.

"I'm sorry, excus-" I backed away shocked not able to say anything. "LISSANA!" I finally said.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Hey Natsu hubby! Where's our baby Happy?"

"I'm not you're hubby and he's still at Lucy's."

I started to walk past her but she clung on to me.

"Where are you going Natsu-Kun?" She asked.

Away from you was what I wanted to say.

"To go check on someone now please, leave me alone. We'll talk later."

I rushed passed her before she could say anything else to me and headed into the infirmary. I sat there watching Lucy. I climbed in the infirmary bed to hold her and fell asleep. IT WAS A BIG MISTAKE.

Lucy's Pov.

I woke up and found this guy with pink hair sleeping on my chest.

I woke up and found this guy with pink hair sleeping on my chest

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(A/N imagine something like these but in the infirmary bed)

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(A/N imagine something like these but in the infirmary bed)

"ARRRGHH!!! Get off me creep" I screamed.

The pink headed guy looked deep into my eyes and I looked back, deep into his onyx eyes. They reminded me of something but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Lucy what's the matter!" Wendy said as people started to barge in the room and follow behind her. I pointed to the pink guy.

"Who the hell is he and why was he sleeping on me?!" I said angry.

The whole guild was shocked. Mira smirked while the pinky blushed, but that blush was slowly taken away and turned into sadness.

"She doesn't remember me!" He cried and ran out.

I stood there shocked. The whole guild frowned as I had no idea what was going on.

"What's the matter with that guy Erza?" I asked.

"That's Natsu. He's your best friend. Ummm but it's not my place to tell you what happened?" She said quickly.

Best friend? How? I don't know anything about him. I've never seen him a day in my life. I wondered.

Love like this can never be broken but awoken ❤️NALU❤️ (fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now