Chapter 22

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Third person narrative Pov.

Lucy and Natsu are sleeping in each other's arms calmly. Natsu starts to stir and freezes when she moves over closer to him so that their faces are only inches apart. He gives her a small quick kiss on the nose and her eyes widened.

Natsu's Pov.

Crap! She was up or I woke her up. I quickly jump outta her bed about to leave when I hear her voice calling me.

"Hey, you're Natsu... I have a few questions and I want the truth because I'm not sure I believe them." She told me.

Lucy looked kinda sad, but also mad at the same time. It seemed like something was bothering her. Maybe she did start to break the spell herself and was confused or maybe, she is just really gonna scream at me for being in her bed.

"Alright Natsu... That girl with white short hair, Lisanna or whatever told me that you were the one who erased my memories." Lucy confessed.

How could Lisanna do that! I would never anger heated inside of me and I was about to speak when she waved her hand to shush me. Oh crap! Don't let this get worse...

"I don't know if I believe this either but she also said that you were the one who had killed my mother... Did you?" She asked on the verge of tears.

I stood there shocked. I spoke to soon, I was speechless. How could Lisanna say something like that! Is she really trying to keep me from Lucy. I looked Lucy in her chocolate brown orbs and did the unexpected. I sat on her bed and moved my face to the point where we were almost touching.

"Lucy I love you. I would never do that" I told her and then I kissed her.

Lucy looked shocked and relieved but then as I kissed her she started kissing back

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Lucy looked shocked and relieved but then as I kissed her she started kissing back. The kiss intensified as I slid my tongue and asked for an entrance, which she accepted. My hands held onto her by the back of her head to deepen the kiss until we both pulled away and grasped for air.

Lucy looked at me.

"Natsu!" She said and then hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry I forgot you!" She cried.

"It's okay Luce, at least we broke it and I have you back." I told her but she frowned.

"Natsu whose that girl though? And why would she tell me that you killed my mother..." She trailed off.

"Lisanna? She was my childhood friend, but I have no idea why she did that. Don't let it get to you. I'm gonna talk to her today" I assured her.

Okay was all she said, nodding her head.

"Wanna go to the guild" I asked as she was deep in thought.

She smiled at me.

"Sure Natsu, after I get dressed, lets go to the guild!"

Love like this can never be broken but awoken ❤️NALU❤️ (fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now