Ch 3: Heart to Heart

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The sun was now starting to set and club activities were over. A good amount of work was done. You all cheered and we're getting ready to go back to the dorms.

You were grabbing your bag as Kurumu tapped you on the shoulder. "Hey (F/N). Would you want to maybe take a walk? If you have time of course."

With a smile. "I got plenty for you." You reply.

She grabs your hand and holds it as she takes off running. The contact of her hand touching yours gave this warm feeling. Time seemed to go in a slower motion. Kinda of dazed but still having the composure to run with her."

In a moment or two mind still foggy you are by a bench at a pond. You both take a seat. You lay back with a stud.

"You okay?" She asked concerned. "Did I over do it?"

You smirk. "Nope just a darkness thing."

She gave you a death staring look. "Okay what the hell. I'm from a species of sex demons and I'm not a tramp and Mizore is a snow woman but isn't cold at heart. So what aren't you telling us?" She sat back down facing the other direction away from you. (F/N), please. You're a great guy. I want to help. I want you to be happy because you deserve it."

You look at her and she turned around. Now you were face to face. Silence fell until you spoke up.

"Okay. Just let me start small." You reply.

She nods.

You close your eyes and begin. "First I guess would be family issues. My mom and I clash a bunch and I never met my dad. He's alive but never met him. No desire to either. And as far are this power is concerned it's rather rare but S-Class. People stay away from me. They think I am too dangerous, scary, or their not worthy enough to talk to one even though I never come across that way. I lot of times I hate my abilities because of it."

She looks at him. Very sad look on her face. Then leans into your shoulder.

"I haven't met him either. My dad that is." She began sadly. "But it's what succubus do. They feed off of men. Their destined one gives them an extremely good feeling. It's really addictive. Personally I have no interest in trying it. I just want one guy to love. To make his stomach happy, have adventures together, and one day maybe become a good wife. I think I'm the oldest succubus alive that hasn't made a men into a slave and oldest virgin. Doesn't bother me too much though."

You look into her eyes. "You feed off men and I darkness. But what you feed off or choose not to isn't the only thing you have. Why is that?"

She smacks you on the side of your face. "Don't you get it (F/N)? All of us. Me, Tsukune, Moka, the other Moka you haven't met yet, Yukari, Mizore and heck even Ruby aren't we all friends? We seemed lonely at first. And now we're not. We don't care about the past. Or any baggage along with it. And I care about you. I can control if I want a slave or not. And I would never do such a thing to you I promise that." She started to cry.

As the first tear fell on her cheek you leaned over and squeezed her in a hug. Now it was your turn to sob.

You whisper in her ear. "I didn't think it was possible for me to love. Let alone loved back."

As she wipes her tears you both gaze into each other's eyes. Time stops. Your lips lock. The blood rushes to your ears as the kiss then went deeper. Exploring each other mouths with their tongues. Then slowly come to a stop.

Kurumu opened her eyes and gasped. "(F/N) your eyes. They changed. They are so much lighter. The air is normal. What's happening?"

You jump up from the bench. "Is this really happening?" You scream happily. "Kurumu please tell me something. What did you just feel? I need to know now."

Kurumu went into thought. "Well you actually taste sweet like sugar. I feel powerful and light instead of weak and heavy. (F/N)... I...."

A deep kiss cut her off. You separate just far enough to her face. "I love you Kurumu. And if what your saying is true I found my destined one. They say the dark energy can be controlled better and feels more far away when love is involved. I feel better. Happy. And it's cause of you. But does this mean that I'm your..."

"Boyfriend!" She screamed happily. Hugging him and smothering him in her chest. "Yahoo-hoo I've been waiting for something like this for long. I love it. Your the best. And we're going to have classes together and eat together and have nothing come between us."

You turned blue. "Honey!" You tried to yell. "I can't breath."

She let go. "Oops. Sorry stud muffin I have a bad habit of that. Can't help it with these."

You catch your breath and smile. "Well I did say your gorgeous today didn't I. And yes your boobs and curves are beautiful, soft, and loving."

"Well they're yours now Mr. (L/N). So want to walk me to my dorm? It's getting late." She giggled. "I need to prepare for tomorrow as well. Got so much to do." She smirked.

You hold out your arm and she clings to it. Any closer she would be wearing you. As the sun continues to set you both walk to the dorms arm in arm.


Admin- Well I hope the way this turned out. FYI I'm not done. This is a good start. Instead of it ending after the kissing like many love stories what happens next? Will her mother steal her boyfriend like with Tsukune? Will someone stir up trouble? Any double dating? Find out soon. Hope you enjoy.


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