Ch 4: Blob

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You kissed her at the door to the girl dorms. You say goodnight and watch her walk in. Afterwards the only thing to do was the boring stuff. A little time hitting the books and then some shut eye.

You wake up and look in the mirror. Hello Yokai I have a beautiful girlfriend and I'm on top of the world.

As you walk towards the main building Tsukune was waiting alone. He looks at you with a smirk.

You hear a voice. "Honey!" As you turn she jumps into your arms and plants a big wet kiss on you.

Tsukune giggled. "I take it that you two are a thing? That's wonderful."

Moka sees them in the distance. She starts running up to Tsukune with her fangs already out. He started running off. "Moka I'm not your food." He cried. The two of you laughed and walked to class together instead of waiting up for everyone else.


Lunch time came around. Everyone was sitting down eating and having a few laughs until "Blob" Bosaburo Taira showed up.

"You! Hey kid what are you doing with my woman?" He asked angrily.

"Umm she's my girlfriend. What the hell do you want?" You stare at him with evil intent.

"How dare you? I will not stand for this. I will destroy you. You will pay. I will hurt you." He cried.

You get out of your seat and get in his face. "I will take you in human or monster form. You got three choices. Either I kick your ass here in human form. I beat the shit out of you in monster form by the bus tunnel. Or you can kick rocks so I can eat in peace fatty!" You snapped at him with those fighting words.

He pushes you into the table. You lunge at him airborne and punch him right in the face. You then grab a chair and back kick it into his forehead.

You exhale deeply. "Pick a decision or I'm knocking your ass out."

Blob got himself together. "At the tunnel I'll take you. Come alone."

He left the lunch room as you sat back down.

"You aren't going alone are you?" Asked Kurumu.

"Why? Should I not?" You ask.

"He's got a group of guys that tried to gang up on me." Said Tsukune. "Inner Moka kicked their ass all at once."

"Can all of you tag along?" You ask. "Don't get too upset with my now baby." Leaning towards her she smiles.

"Of course not. Thanks for sticking up to that stalking creep." She replied.

Everyone chimed in. "Ya"


All classes and clubs ended. It was time to meet Blob at the tunnel. Mizore helped everyone hide in the bushes a distance away. You wave your friends goodbye and quickly kiss your girlfriend and prepare for battle.

Sure enough Blob came up. Not alone but with a group of people. Five in total. Apparently those losers did some recruiting. Either way you could at least try.

"Your such a panty waste tubby." You laugh.

"Laugh all you want dark boy you are going down." He yelled.

As soon as the five of them charged you drew all your energy to your hand. It looked like a dark black fireball surrounding your fist.

You swung at Blob and he was the first one to go. He flew back a few yards and went head first into a tree. The two new members were twins that shared nail growing abilities. They ganged up on you with a barrage of swipes. You manage to dodge most of them but some of the cuts got you real good. Then Necky started to strangle you.

Just then the sky went red and the air thickened. A girl with big cleavage and long silver hair came out of nowhere and kicked Necky clear out of the sky.

"Nice to meet you." She laughed. "I've heard a lot about you. I'm Moka. The other one that is. Want to help me take care of the trash?"

You nod. Using the shadow of a nearby tree you are able to use it to choke the twins. Just then Moka jumps sky high up in the air. Umbrella was trying to make rain and sure enough was cut off by Inner Moka from a sky tall kick plummeting him down into the ground a good few feet.

Once the original three creeps were taken care of it was time to deal with the twins. You now focused your energy on your back foot.

"Left or right?" Asked Moka.

"Left please." You reply.

Almost at the perfect time you both jump kick the twins and send them flying. About 50 feet later they first hit the ground and skid for another 25 or so.

"All of you nerds need to know your place." She snapped. She then turned to you. "(F/N)?"

You start to sweat because you feel her monster energy get stronger. "Yes Ma'am?" you replied nervously.

"Not too bad. Thanks for having me catch a breather for a little bit. It gets tiring after a while as you can imagine. But I didnt want Kurumu's boyfriend to get huet too badly. Ita because of you we have Tsukune to ourselves now. And you can help me take of the others. Especially Tsukune. Till then."

She put on the rosary and lost consciousness. You catch her as the others come out. You look at your girl and sighed in relief that she wasn't jealous.

You hand her over to Tsukune as she wakes up swiftly.

You land on one knee in the dirt.

"Your hurt" Cried Kurumu.

"I'm fine Angel. I just need to catch my breath. I put a lot of energy in those few hits. Least Blob is gone for now." Your in pain but don't want her to know. But you can recover in an hour or so.

She clinged to you. "You took care of that creep and his friends. Why did yo do it? You didn't have to." She groaned.

You laugh weakly. "No drama and no problems. Haha. That's why. That's for you, Moka, Yukari, Tsukune, and Mizore if they hit on her at anytime. Just taking care of business. Now why don't we all go for a walk before we call it a night."

As the sun was setting she gazed at you. To her you were more just a guy. More than a boyfriend too. To her you were a hero. Had a lot of dark power but a hero. And she was becoming more head over heels as the days went by.


I released this unannounced. I came up with an idea and went with it. Cross fatty and company off the hit list. Hope you enjoyed this chapter of Kurumu and her boy toy.


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