Ch 44 - Tracking

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I've reached the end of many stories. This has only a few chapters left and will have a nice epilogue. But I have truly loved this story and has helped me develop as a writer to create Snow Bunny, Thunder Love and Priestess, My Pawn, and many more. For that I am grateful. But now we are off to what's next with Kurumu and dark boy? Here's a half chapter for you.



You sat on the edge of the bed and thought to yourself. Kurumu laid back down as you walked over to the window. I have so much on the line. I keep pushing it and my luck almost ran out. How stupid can I be? Putting her through this crap. Mizore technically too. If I'm not around she'll get married to some undeserving asshole. I can't have that sit well. I just can't.

Kurumu looks over her shoulder and realizes you aren't laying next to her. "Really?" You look over at her. "Is it my body? Someone else on your mind?" She grumbled.

"No." You sigh. "Just thinking. I love you. Ever so much. I just keep thinking that I keep pushing the limits here. I know my luck will run out sooner or later. I'm just debating what to do. I mean it's you, it's Mizore, it's everyone."

"If it's this seed thing it will have to wait. At least until we get married if possible."

"Not a stretch."

"Ugh. Come back to bed. We have a few minutes."

"Why are still naked?"

"Because I made love and passion to my future husband! Why do you have pants on?"

"I ahhh..... crap. Solid point Dearest."

"Exactly. So come here."

"Yes ma'am. But I need to ask you of something. It's important."

"Anything for you."


Kurumu enters the main building and it's just Tsukune, Moka, Yukari, and Mizore. Just like old times. But the gang knows something is up with her. She was sad and her movements were slow. Kurumu was just simply in a mentally unstable mindset. It was painful.

"Where'd he go?" Asked Mizore.

"Tracking down his father." She replied sadly.

"What!?" Everyone gasped.

"He wants to end things after his new powers."

"Powers?" Thought Moka.

"Yeah. He can fly now and has great stamina. I caught him outside in the forest this morning. He's not all there."

Meanwhile you're with Ruby in a private office area. The light is very dim and the blinds are closed. She stares you down and you have been down that road before.

"What the hell are you up to?" She asked.

"My father. I want his location. Something tells me he's not on the mountains."

"And if he is?"

"Say my goodbyes and break his teeth. Simple. Till the battle at least."

"Simple? You call a bloodbath simple? You call a man trying to buy power, marry off teenagers, and destroy people is simple?"

"Nope. But me trying to kick his ass and kill him if I feel like it is?"

"And consequences?"

"He needs to be gone. Permanently. That is all. Is it that hard?"

"No. But you don't think he's ready for you?"

"I know he's healed up. But guess what? I have my own agenda. I need to do it for everyone. Not just for myself. He's a big fish in a dangerous ocean."

"Fair enough. So you want my input and help before you fly over?"

"Bus and fly up the place. I am not doing both."

Ruby was annoyed with you but she was firm with this. Trying to do whatever she could for you and your friends. On top of which she may have a secret you may not know about...


Third class you finely poke your head in as you get a pass from class. You sit next to Kurumu as per usual as she glares at you. She is waiting for you to speak. But naturally you aren't taking this hint and it makes her more furious. But in your mind you thought she would start the conversation. This wasn't a two way street anymore. If anything the bridge was out in between. But an hour goes by and that bell rings. Think you walk can walk to class without being addressed? Yeah. Okay.

You take ten steps out from the classroom and feel a guy from your left hand. You look back to only see blue hair.


"Can I help you?"

She takes her other hand and cocks it back to land right on your face.


"Don't bullshit me."

"Kurumu what did I do?"

"You run off, avoid me, and now you aren't talking to me?"

"But I'm paying attention."

"Not enough for me." She screamed.

You wrap her around in a hug. She wasn't well. Almost going crazy. "Slow down. I've been trying to end this drama. I got to do what I got to do."

"You mean switch your priorities? Is that what you're telling us?"

"Us? Who the hell is us?"

"I'm pregnant!"



Welp. God damn you rolled dice there pal. Sorry boss man but didn't you kind of plan it out this way or another? Price is right? Or nah?Anyways you got a whole lot more to think about Big Daddy. Although who knows what the baby is going to be? And just a piece of advice Mr. Man, don't forget the lady. Happy wife, happy life.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions, concerns, critique, future projects hit me up. Love you all.


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