Ch 7: Wolf vs Shadow

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Two days have past and it was a weekend day. Kurumu. Mizore, Yukari, and Moka after she was filled in walked down to the staff building and met up with Ruby.

"I need you to do me a favor?" Said Kurumu to the older witch. "I need to see if you can find a file for Mr. (F/N) (L/N). I need to know more."

"Oh your boyfriend. Right?" She stood a little confused.

"Yes. Can you help us or not?" She asks.

"Well I'm not supposed to but I'll grab it when I have some time. Most likely tomorrow night. If I don't I'm sure you and Mizore will get your hands on it somehow." She laughed.

"I have many talents." Said Mizore quietly.

"Thanks a bunch." Kurumu hugging. I'll see you tomorrow night then.


Club meeting was over for the day. Everyone was packing up.

"Yo (F/N) you coming?" Asked Gin.

"Thanks man but I'm going to keep working. I'll lock up for ya." You replied.

With that he closed the door behind and everyone left in front of him. The article you put together about studying tips was turning out nice. But from a look outside you see the setting sun. Time to clean up the room and head to your dorm. At first it was just throwing out scrap paper and organizing the supplies. Then you see a big binder. You look inside. It's peep shots of girls from Yokai Academy. You then shut it instantly and hide it in one of the cabinets.

With this scary thought in mind you lock up and head to the boys dorms. You knock on Tsukune's dorm.

He comes to the door half dressed. "What's up man?"

"You know who's got a picture college of girl peep shots?" You ask firmly.

"Is Gin at work again?" He asks.

"Okay then thank you. I now know who's my target." You snap.

"Wait on (F/N) hold on. Do you know what your up against?" He cried.

"I'm a dark S-Class. I'm fine. Peeping Tom however has answers for me. Conscious or not." You then disappear in the shadows.


In the morning at the usual meet up spot Tsukune approaches Moka.

"Moka it's important. (F/N) wants to fight Gin. He found out he was a peeping Tom. He's planning an assualt."

She gasped. "Why all the sudden? Their must be more to it than that. He wouldn't hurt someone like that would he?"

Kurumu overheard. "I don't know. I see him as a guy who's sweet. But he is dark so you never know. As much as Gin is a slime ball he doesn't deserve a severe beating."

You pass by. You wave hello to everyone and walk past everyone. The air thickens.

"What did you do to him Kurumu?" Asked Mizore from her bushes.

"Hey what the hell Frosty? I said goodbye after our club meeting and that's it. He's not mad me is he?" Kurumu frowned.

Yukari saw everything. "I got see if Ruby can get that file and quick. Before someone gets hurt. (F/N) and Gin won't be pretty for anyone. No good can come from it even if he's the enemy to all women."

"His eyes darkened again too." Whimpering Kurumu. "I miss his (E/C) eyes so much already. It's just not the same when he's in this kind of mood. What's I'm his head?"

Ruby walked over to them. "I have half the day cleaning the school and meet me in the gym after classes are done." She then walked away. Strangely it was quick. Too quick. Kind of awkward. But they got their answer.

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