Ch 35 - Brother

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(Admin - You guys still loving the story?)

The damage was starting to pile up around. Mini crators, bruises, and the area around was a potential blood bath. Kazu was in a panic. He had you and three vampires against him.

"You can't make this easy can't you?" He asked.

"Well asshole you can give up. Throw in the towel? I can give you one."

"Wipe your ass with it."

"Again my two cents is worth shit."

"You are shit. Hit the bricks. If you were actually worth something you would fight your own battles."

"Screw you Pops like you know what fair is."

"I don't. But you are such a wimp. Be a man."

"Baby don't do it." Cried Kurumu.

"And you don't wear the pants either. I swear you squat to pie."


"What's that stumpy?"

"I'll fight you solo Kazu."

"Don't make me kill you."

"Not the objective father."

"That is the only way you will stop me. I hope you know that."

"I'll try to cut it close."

"I'll create you son. You have guts. But at a price of being stupid."

"Like you don't have other women?"

"Indeed total three wives and four kids."

"I have three half brothers and sisters?"

"Technically speaking. One half brother and two half sisters. And one is the chosen one. Come forth Eiji."

A boy in a black cloak with a hood over his head appears. He looks exactly like you. The only difference is he was silver hair. His eyes are the same color, same height, facial features and posture.

"Well father who is this?" He asked.

"This Eiji is your brother."

"I sense a problem. Do you want me to get rid of him?" He smirked and flashed a silver tooth.

"Go on and play golden boy." Ordered Kazu.

"Eiji or second born one. Oh man you are pathetic."

"Shut up and don't talk about father that way. Or be taught your place." Eiji growled.

"Hey asshole no one steals my line without permission." Snapped Moka.

"Blame the author dammit." He yelled back.

"Screw you. (F/N) if you don't take care of him I'll kill him." Moka huffed.

"What are you supposed to be dumb broad?"

"S-Class Vampire."

"Ohhhh........ our babies would be smoking hot."

"Hey pal I'll tell you once. She's mine!" Tsukune stepped in front of her.

"I've heard of you. The human boy. Ghoul form. Don't make me laugh. You aren't welcomed here."

"Eiji that's enough. I bore the words. Let's turn out the lights and make it happen. Action through strength and not speech Youngblood." Instructed Kazu.

And then what happened next was something that would sound like a bad dream. Better put, a dark black nightmare. Eiji sprouted wings. Black angel wings similar to Kaori. He flew up towards the sky and a black aura clouded the sky. Outside of 200 yards in diameter everything wasn't visible.

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