Ch 15: Parents Day

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Your alarm went off and you jumped out of bed excited. You going to meet her mom. All preparations in place. Now you make a good breakfast, take your time getting dressed and cleaning up.

You look in the mirror and noticed your eyes are the lighter color. You smile and walk out the door.

Being early the only one outside the main building is Ruby.

"Been a while. How goes it?" You ask with a smile.

"My." She gasps. "You look so nice. Is your mom coming for Parent's Day?" She asks not knowing the details.

"Well I hope not." You laugh. "I'm meeting Kurumu's mom. Got up and I'm here. Feel really good." You speak with confidence.

"Well I'm sure you will do great. Anything I can help you with?" She said with a look in her eye.

"You got a file on Kaori Suzuki? You probably know the details from Yukari because she's so close to you. I need to know my enemy." You said calm but nervous on the inside.

"Ah yes. She mentioned that. She asked me to help you anyway if needed. I can do what I can." She grinned.

"I'm good now let's see how Tsukune is doing. I bet Moka might try and suck his blood before her parent get here." You both laugh.

Sure enough Tsukune meets up with Moka but just the two of them. No feeding at all. Well.... yet at least.

"Oh hey Ruby and (F/N). Are the four of us riding solo for Parent's Day?" Said Tsukune.

"Guilty." You reply.

"We never had a visit from our parents but at least we all have each other." Said Moka.

"Might as well head to class. We can catch everyone else soon. Don't think we'll find them in this crowd." Said Tsukune.

-Small Time Skip-

Tsukune and Moka were gazing at each other when Mizore appeared out of nowhere. They gasped.

"Hey Tsukune can I ask you for a favor?" She asked him nervously. "Can you meet my mom?"

Soon another pale skinned figure showed up. It was clear it was her mom.

"Hey mom you can come out now. This is the guy that started it all." She pointed at him.

"Umm what?" Tsukune caught off guard.

"Please to meet you I'm her mother Tsurara. So you're the handsome boy she described that made all those articles." She smiled. "And who is the other nice young man and sweet looking girl?"

"This is (F/N) he's my best friend and this is Moka which is Tsukune's lover." Said Mizore.

Moka had steam coming out of her ears.

Tsukune couldn't find any words.

Then Kurumu jumps into you and starts smothering you.

"Oh honey you look great. You look sexy. I found you finally." She said.

She waves to someone. "He's over here."

The blue haired woman approaches you. "Please to meet you I'm Ideha. So your my daughter's boyfriend?"

Kurumu stops the smothering and you catch your breath. "Hi (F/N) (L/N) and yes we started being together." You said nervously.

She hugs you and your head is pushed against her huge cleavage.

"You are cute boy." She began. "My daughter doesn't have any proper romance experience. I'd appreciate it if you had your way with her." She grabs your hand and places it on her left breast. "And if you need any lessons in passion by all means I don't bite either."

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