Chapter 17

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(Part 17)

3 Days Later

Layla POV

Alex- He not answerin?
Layla- No which is weird. He's off work by now.
Alex- I know exactly where the fuck he's at too*mumbles*
Layla- Huh?
Alex- Nun.
Layla- I'll have my mom come pick us up.
Teddy- Chesks you know you could ride with me. But Alex ain't gettin my car.
Alex- Get over yourself it was a fucking kiss.
Layla- It's okay Ima just have my mom come and get us.
Teddy- Alright. Ima be in my car until you leave Ight?
Layla- Yea.
Teddy-*walks to his car*
Alex- La go ahead with Teddy Ima catch a cab.
Layla- Um no. I'm not leaving you here.

I called my mom phone 3 times and I got no answer. I really didn't wanna do this but I had to.


Miles-*groans* Hey wussup.
Layla- Where you sleeping?
Miles- Yea but it's Ight. What's wrong?
Layla- We just came back from Atlanta and me and my friend ne(GCO)
Miles- Y'all at the airport?
Layla- Yea....
Miles- Gimmie 15 mins I'm on my way.
Layla- Thank you.
Miles- No problem ma.
Layla-*hangs up*

Convo Over:

Every since Miles and I met we talked to each other while I was in Atlanta 3 days straight

Few Min later....

Miles took me and Alex bags and put it in his truck. Teddy pulled off when Miles pulled up and when I told him it was okay. He helped me into his truck then went around and got in starting the truck up.

Layla- That wasn't 15 minutes.
Miles-*pulls off* Then how long was I?
Layla- Maybe 10 or less.
Miles-*chuckles* But Nahh wuddup wit ya homeboy? Why he didn't give y'all a ride?
Layla- He was gonna give me a ride but he didn't want Alex in the car with him so...
Miles- Damn. Sorry to hear that.
Alex- It's coo. He mad over somen petty.
Miles- He seemed like a chill dude. I bet he will get over it.


Layla- Really thank you.

I said I folded my arms keeping my hands warm and as Miles leaned up against his truck.

Miles- Stop saying thank you.*chuckles* You said it like 496 times tonight.
Layla-*laughs* I'm sorry, it's just. I really didn't want to leave Alex out there and Teddy was pissed at him and my mom nor my best friend was answering my calls.
Miles- It's coo. Fa' real.
Layla- Alright.
Miles- Tomorrow after work. I wanna take you on a date if you not busy.
Layla- no....I'm not busy.
Miles- Okay. I'll pick you up around 7
Layla- Alright.
Miles- Night.
Layla- Night*walks into the house*


Next Day🌤

August POV

I woke up hearing my phone ringing. Soon as i reached for it it stopped.
looked at the missed calls I got from everyone. Stank🌺 12 Missed Calls. T 3 missed calls Kim😒 5 missed calls. Alex 1 missed call.

I sat up calling Layla first and it went to her voicemail which was weird. She always answers my calls. I called Teddy and he answered on the 3rd ring.


Teddy- Wuss Gud youngin?
August- Wuss up T? Yoh called?
Teddy- Yea...Nigga you fuckin up.
August- Whatcha mean?
Teddy- Cheeks called ya ass for her to come pick her and Alex up from the airport because I wasn't lettin his ass get in my car so she was being a good friend and stayed with him. So she called this nigga.
August- Fuck. I fa' got I had to go pick ha up. What nigga? And since when you started calling Alex gay?
Teddy- I don't know his name but when he pulled up to get her he was all up in ha. And mannnn he kissed me. Then he tried doing it again!
August- What? Alex kissed you?
Teddy- Yea.
Teddy- Man don't worry about that. Worry about another nigga taken Cheeks.
August- Man. Stank is mine.
Teddy- Wait till she found out you was sleeping with her aunt.
August- She still gone be mine and ain't no nigga gone take what's mine.
Teddy- Yea what Eva nigga. I'll see you at the reunion Tomorrow

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