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Clarke's POV
Octavia and I sat on the couch just watching reruns of tv shows we liked back in high school and eating ice cream. She's sitting up right and my legs are on her lap. We're just eating and talking about how Elena should chose either Stefan or Damon.

We're weird, but that's just us. We were having a great time and I was forgetting about what happened until the door bust open. I remove my legs from O's lap and we both stand up. We see both Lincoln and Bellamy burst through the door. When I see Bellamy I just roll my eyes and sit back down on the couch.

"I thought I told you to take him back to their house?" O says obviously pissed

"Just let him talk to her. Please." Lincoln says

Really he's taking his side. Lincoln is supposed to be my brother. Supposed to stick up for me. Why is he sticking up for a cheater like Bellamy? O nods and walks away. Great now I'm gonna have to talk to him.

I hear the two of them walk away and I hear someone come up beside me. I just keep looking at the tv screen. Bellamy sits next to me on the couch. I scoot over a little. I hear a sigh fall
from his mouth.

"Clarke, please just let me explain." He says hopeful that I will let him

"Explain what? How you cheated on my with someone that I told you I hated. Someone that has hurt me." I say still not looking at him

"Clarke. Please." He says in between his sighs

I take a minute to think. Should I let him explain or not? Would it be wrong to say no? Or would it be wrong to say yes? I honestly thought that I would never have to go through something like this with Bellamy, but I guess I am.

"Fine. You have 5 minutes." I say taking a deep breathe

"Clarke I swear I didn't kiss her she kissed me." He says facing me

I'm still not facing him. Tears threatening to fall out of my eyes.

"Well, it looked like you were really enjoying it." I say moving over a little bit more over away from him

"Clarke, I swear to you that I didn't kiss her. I would never hurt you like this. I love you and only you. You're the one I want to marry. You're the one that I love." He says and his voice cracks in the end

I look up at him and I see that he has tears falling down his face.

"The first time it was an accident. This time... I just don't know." I say

"Come with me." He says holding his hand out

"Why?" I ask furrowing my eye brows

"It's a surprise. Come on."

"Bell, I'm mad at you right now I'm not in the mood to get in the car with you." I say pushing his hand away

"Come on Clarke. Please." He says looking into my eyes

"Fine." I say

He takes me out to the jeep and he starts driving and driving till finally we get to a woodsy area that's completely blocked off from the world.

"Did you like take me out here to kill me?" I say looking at him

"I would never do that to you Princess." He says smiling

I just give him a light smile. Even if I'm mad at him and I don't really trust him right now I still love him. We get out of the jeep and he comes over to me.

"Close your eyes." He says

"No, why? You really are trying to kill me. Aren't you?" I say laughing

"No, now please close your eyes." Bell says

I huff and then close my eyes. I can feel him walking me somewhere and I'm getting more and more nervous. I have absolutely know idea where the hell he is taking me.

"Okay, open your eye and look up." He says

I open my eyes and look up at the sky.

"Oh. My. God." I say

Bellamy laughs.

"Like it?" He asks whispering in my ear

"It's beautiful." I say still looking at the night sky

" I say still looking at the night sky

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"Just like you." He says

I look at him and smile. He's smiling. I honestly don't know who to believe right now, but I should trust him and I should believe him. He is my fiancé and we've been through so much together, but I just don't know. We walk over and sit down.

"Look, I don't know what happened back at Kalani's house and I sure as hell know she won't tell the truth, but what exactly happened?" I ask him

"I went outside to just get some air because her house was really hot. So I went outside and she followed behind me. She cornered me and kissed me. You must have came right when she did it. I swear I pushed her off. I would never do that to you. Especially with her. You're the only girl I have eyes for and the only girl I love." He says

"I want to believe you.. I just don't know if I can." I say

His smile turns to a frown and tears form in his eyes.

"Clarke, I would never do this to you. You need to believe me. Kalani is just trying to get us to break up because she manipulates people. She's jealous of our relationship. She wants what we have, but she's never gonna get that, but Clarke if you don't want her to get the satisfaction she wants then you need to believe me. I will stay away from her. Just please trust me Clarke. I love you." He says tears falling down his face

I just keep thinking. If he brought me out here to talk things out then maybe he isn't lying. He's telling the truth. Usually other boys just keep trying to call, but he physically went to me. That shows he cares. It might be hard for me to believe at first, but I love him and he loves me and I trust him.

"I believe you." I say a tear falls down my face

"You what?" He says

"I believe you. You went through all this trouble to talk to me usually boys don't do that and I know how much you love me. You've stayed with me through everything and that I thank you for. I love you too." I say another tear falls out

He stands up and grabs my hands signaling for me to stand up. I grab his hand and stand up. He wipes the tear away from my eyes and cups my face in his hands. We both lean in and kiss. It feels so good to kiss him. It's like sparks fly like the first time I kissed him back in high school. We pull away and he leans his forehead against mine.

"Don't ever think that I would cheat on you. I could never do that to you. I love you too much." He says

"I love you too."
Yeah she forgave him. Now the only thing is what does Kalani want? Is she like Gena? Or is she just jealous of what Clarke and Bellamy have? Let me know. Hope you enjoyed!!!! Ilysm!!!!

Kisses, -S❤️❤️❤️😂😘😊😍😘❤️

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