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Octavia's POV
I watch as they drive away with Clarke in the ambulance. I didn't have time to tell Bellamy so I told someone who talks to the players to tell Bellamy and Lincoln to go to the hospital. The 4th quarter is coming to and end so they'll tell them soon.

I know Bellamy is gonna be pissed that I didn't tell him, but there is nothing I can do. It's not like I can frickin walk on to the football field and tell him.

I went with Clarke so I had to dig through her purse to find the keys to her jeep. I get into the car faster than I have ever and I just start driving as fast as I can. I'm pretty sure I sped through 3 stop signs and ran 2 stop lights.

Once I made it to the hospital I ran into the hospital and to the front desk.

"Hi. My name is Octavia Blake. My sister-in-law Clarke Blake was just brought in here. Do you know what room she is in?" I say really fast to the lady sitting behind the desk, but she looked like she understood

"Calm down Miss. Blake. Mrs. Blake is in room 553." The nice lady says

I give her a smile and I walk to the elevator and press floor 5. I'm the only one in the elevator so I pace back and forth until the doors open. I pass each room and keep hoping it's the one Clarke is in, but each one isn't.

Finally, I make it to Clarke's room and walk in to find a doctor examining her.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know a doctor was in with her." I say stopping in my tracks

"It's okay. I just finished running test on her and just was looking at her pupils because of her hitting her head on the sink. I was just leaving." The doctor says putting the little flashlight into his tiny pocket

He walks past me and I walk over to the left side of Clarke bed. I sit in the chair and hold onto Clarke's hand.

"Oh, Clarke. What is happening to you?"
Bellamy's POV
We just beat the Dolphins 21-14. It feels good winning my first game as a NFL football player. Especially with Clarke being there to watch me.

She's basically my good luck charm. She's always been. I mean without her I've gotten hurt. She's my everything. The coach just finished talking to us. Now, Lincoln and I are getting ready to go find out girls.

"Lincoln! Bellamy! I need to talk to you." Our coach says from his office

Lincoln and I look at each other. We walk into the office and the coach has a sad look on his face.

"You two might want to take a seat." Coach says shutting the door behind him
I put the car in park and I run into the hospital. O already told me what room Clarke is in so I just head for the stairs. I'm not waiting for the damn elevator.

Lincoln is a few steps behind me. I start sprinting up the steps and once I make it to floor 5 I start looking and looking for Clarke's room. The minute I see room 553 I open the door to see O and Clarke talking.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Damn, Blake. I don't think I've ever seen you run that fast." Lincoln says running into the room behind me

I just roll my eyes and go over and hug Clarke. I didn't want to let go, but I knew I had too.

"What happened?" I say

"We're just gonna go." Octavia says taking Lincoln out of the room with her

I sit down in the chair that O was in and look at Clarke.

"Clarke, I asked you this morning if you were fine and you told me you were." I say

"I know. I'm sorry. I didn't know I would end up here." She says plopping back on her pillows

"You're supposed to tell me these things Clarke." I say taking her hand in mine

"I know, but I really don't feel that bad until I went to the football game." She says squeezing me hand

"I'm just glad that you're okay." I say leaning in and kissing her cheek

"Me too." She says giving me a light smile

"So, do you need anything?" I ask her

Her face lights up immediately.

"Could you please, please, please, go to Starbucks and get me the drink that I always get."

I let out a laugh.

"Of course." I say standing up and kissing the top of her head
Clarke's POV
Bellamy left a few minutes ago and O came back.

"Where did my brother go?" I ask her

"He went with Bellamy." O says sitting in the chair next to my bed

I just nod.

"So how long are you staying here?" She says putting her phone down

"They want to keep me over night for observation. My doctor said he would be back with my test results any minute now." As on Que my doctor  walks through the door

"Hi Clarke. I got your test results back, but I just saw Bellamy leave do you want to wait for him?" The doctor says looking at his clipboard

"No it's fine. You can tell me. I'm sure it's not that bad." I say

"Okay, well. First off, your blood pressure was just a little high and I'm sure that's because you didn't eat anything and a virus was ruled out. We got a test back and we'll congratulations you're pregnant."

When he said that I looked at Octavia like what the hell just happened?
I thought I'd update today since tomorrow I have to go back to school! Uggh! Not ready for school.

Well Clarke is pregnant. What will Bellamy say?

Comment. Vote. Have a good day! Hope you all had a great summer!!!! Ilysm!!!!😘❤️😘😍😍

Kisses, -S💋

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