Fourth Of July

424 16 5

Bellamy POV
I woke up with my arms around Clarke's waist and her face in my neck. Damn she's one crazy sleeper.

"Clarke, we have a party to get ready for." I whisper in her ear

She groans and sits up. Her hair in her face and her eyes not even open. I laugh.

"Can't we sleep for 10 more minutes?" She says flopping back down on the bed

"No come on we have to go to the store." I say shaking her

"I don't want people to come over today." She says putting the pillow over her face

"Come on. It's our turn to host the party." I say

She just stays quiet.

"Clarke, come on. Is this about Kalani coming?" I say

She lifts the pillow up from her face and looks at me. I got it right.

"Clarke, I will not go near her at all. I promise." I say putting my pinky out

She laughs at me and we cross our pinkies together.

"Come on. We have to go get food." I say kissing her face
Clarke's POV
We got everything we needed and are now setting up. We cleaned the pool. Yes we have a pool even though we have a lake put back I still like having a pool. Some kids will be coming to this one so might as well just clean the pool.

"CLARKE! Where is my dry fit red shirt?!" Bellamy yells from our room

"In the laundry room in a bin!" I say

I put chips in bowls and have to make everything perfect. I can't have anything out of place. Then, there is a knock at the door. I walk to the door and there stands O and Lincoln holding brownies.

"You know you guys don't have to knock." I say taking the brownies from Lincoln

"It's the proper thing to do." O says hugging me

I laugh and she walks in the house.

"Hey sis." Lincoln says hugging me

"Hey." I say hugging him back

I let him in the house.

"Where's Bell?" O asks

"Right here." Bell says coming up to us

Lincoln and Bellamy go out back and start cooking on the grill and start drinking beer. O and I go out back and just sit there and talk about everything. I miss seeing her everyday.
Everyone started showing up. I've been keeping my distance from Kalani. I wonder if her boyfriend knows about Bellamy and her little kiss the other night.

I walked into the house and I thought I was the only one in there until I turned the corner and ran into the one and only Kalani Kingman.

"Oops. Sorry. Didn't mean that." Kalani says annoyingly

I just roll my eyes and try and walk past her. She grabs my arm.

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