Killer Party

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Clarke's POV
There she stands. The girl with the curly brown hair. The girl who stabbed me with a knife. Standing in my ex-best friends house.

"Gena." I say

"Miss me?" She says with a smirk

The last time I saw her was in Georgia in my dorm room.

"What are you doing here Gena?" Bellamy says holding my hand tighter

"It's a party remember. I'm here to party." She says still with a smirk

"No, I mean why are you at Kalani's house? We could call the cops on you still. You did try to kill Clarke 4 years ago." Bell says

"I don't recall that." She says innocently

I roll my eyes. I hear a car pull up and it's Lincoln and O. They get out of the car and walk up to us.

"Gena?" Octavia says scowling

"Nice to see you too, O."

"Don't call me that. I never liked you anyways." I laugh

"Well, why don't you come on in. I'm sure this will be one hell of a party." Gena says smirking

I just roll my eyes and walk past Gena who is still holding the door open for us. Octavia comes in right behind me followed by Bellamy then Lincoln. I don't think I've been this angry in a while. I mean I'm in the enemies house and a girl who tried to kill me just greeted me hello at her door. What's the worse that can happen? Note the sarcasm.

We walk into the kitchen and O and I engage with two other football wives and we just talk. That is until I see Gena go out back by herself and I follow her. I know what your thinking. Why the hell would you follow her? But I mean come on why the hell would Gena go out back by herself at night. Kalani and her boyfriend don't live around a lot of people.

They have a lot of land and even a barn out back. It's so secluded and scary. I don't even know why I bother to come here it's basically a horror movie waiting to happen. I see her walk into the woodsy area and I keep following her careful not to step on any branches. She finally stops walking and just stand there.

"I did what you asked. I came out from hiding to mess around with Clarke. What more do you need?" Gena says

It's a little to dark I can't see anyone.

"Good job Gena, but I'm afraid your job isn't done just yet. You want Bellamy for yourself and I want Clarke for myself. Now the only way for that to work is to break them apart or I can just kidnap her and they will never know it was me because I'm still in prison. Or at least that's what they think." I hear a male voice say

"Oh give me a break, Finn."

Finn? When the hell did he get out? He frickin kidnapped me, tried to kill me, and they let him go? Really!?! What prison let him go?

"Come on, Gena. You know you want this. Help a man out." Finn says holding his hand out

"Fine, but I want double the pay and your boss lady better pay up this time or I'm definitely not helping next time." Gena says shaking his hand

"She will. Clarke is her most prized possession. Along with Lincoln, but she wants to start with he-" Finn stops when he hears me step on a branch

My breathe hitches in my throat and I try to run away, but that didn't happen. I mean Finn is 10x stronger than I am.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. It wasn't that hard getting you back into my possession now was it?" Finn says holding me close

"You're disgusting." I say trying to push him off of me

"Well, Gena. Looks like you did your job. The money will be transferred into your bank account tomorrow. Once my boss gets Clarke in her possession you'll be payed double." Finn says holding my arm tighter

"Well, I better get off to the party. I'm sure Bellamy's wondering where I am." Gena says turning on her heels and walking away

"Guess it's just you and me princess." Finn says

I spit in his face and try to run, but he just pulls me back again. He wipes the spit away and flicks it to the ground.

"I really didn't want to have to do this princess." Finn says before he puts a towel over my mouth and I'm out cold
Bellamy's POV
Lincoln and I have been talking to a few of the players for a while now and last time I saw Clarke so was with Octavia. Kalani's house is pretty big so it might take me a while to find her. I'll just text O.

Bell: Hey O is Clarke with u?

I watch as the bubble with the three dots appear and wait for the response.

BabySista👶❤️: Last time I saw her she told me she was going to the bathroom. Sorry Bell. I thought she'd be with you by now.

Okay, I'm not gonna panic. Just kidding I'm going to fucking freak out. It doesn't take someone 2 hours to pee. I walk into the kitchen and I spot O talking to a few girls. She says something to them and then walks over to me. Lincoln walks through the kitchen door and walks up to O and I.

"Find her?" Lincoln says

"No, where the hell could she have gone? Not far." I say running my hands through my hair nervously

"She's Clarke. She'll be fine. Right?" O says

The side door opens and in walks Gena with a smug look on her face.

"Well, if it isn't the 3 musketeers. Where's the 4th?" Gena says walking up to us

"I'd like to ask the same thing." I say

She just laughs and in walks Kalani. Could this day just get any worse.

"Oh hey guys. I didn't know you were here. I see you met my good friend Gena." Kalani said

O rolls her eyes and I scoff.

"Where is my wife, Gena?" I say getting angrier

"Who?" Gena says

"Okay, that's it bitch!" O says about to attack her, but Lincoln grants her by the waist as she kicks and tries to attack Gena

"All I'm gonna say is that you might never see her breathing again." Gena says

That's when my heart broke.
Clarke's POV
I open my eyes with a splitting headache. I feel like I'm reliving everything that happened with Finn before. Tied to a chair and everything. It's dark, but the lights flick on and there stands Finn right in front of me.

"She's awake!" Finn yells

I try to get out of the chair, but the ties are to tight. A second later a women walks through the door in a red dress. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She walks up to me and takes the duct tape off my mouth.

"Hi Clarke. I'm Allie. Your birth mother."
Thanks so much for reading!!!! Hope you enjoy!!! Did you see that one coming?? Let me know!!

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Kisses, -S❤️❤️😘😊😊😘😘

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