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Clarke's POV
"Please tell me this is a joke." I say

"Clarke." Octavia says putting the phone down by her sides

"Don't Octavia! I'm tired of lies." I say

She takes a deep breathe and hands me my phone back. I take it back and she signals to go into the living room. She sits down on the couch and I do the same.

"Listen, Clarke. I never wanted to send you to Australia. Clarke, you weren't the only one getting messages." Octavia says

I look at her. This person didn't say anything about messaging anyone else, but me. Except I should have known because this person is very sneaky.

"I got a text message that told me if I didn't send in an application for you that they would hurt Lincoln, Bellamy, or even you, Clarke." Octavia says with sympathetic eyes

"You could have just told me Octavia and I would have sent that application in by myself. We could have saved the trouble of people getting hurt. Bellamy getting mad and me blaming him for sending it in." I say hurt

"I know. I just I was scared." She says wiping away a tear from her eye

"Octavia, I got into my accident that day because I was mad and drove away. I'm not blaming you for the accident because I know you weren't the one who hit me, but if you would have just told me you sent it in then maybe I wouldn't have gotten into my accident because Bellamy and I would have never gotten into our argument." I say

"I understand." She says not looking at me

"I just need time. I'll see you tomorrow at the game." I say getting up from the couch

I walk up to the door and as I'm about to leave Octavia stops me.

"I really am sorry, Clarke. I didn't mean for you to get hurt." Octavia says

I nod. I walk out the door and walk to my car.

"Clarke?" I turn around to face Lincoln

Well, that means they got out earlier than expected.

"Hey Lincoln." I say with a smile

"What are you doing here?" He asks

"Why don't you go ask Octavia." I say getting into my jeep

I didn't mean to sound like I did, but I just wanted to leave. I drove back to my house and parked behind Bell's car. I kind of sat in the car for a few minutes not wanting to get out. I take the keys out of the ignition and get out of the car.

When I get up to the front door I take my key out and open the door. I hear the tv on in the living room so I just walk right up to our bedroom knowing that if I come face to face with Bellamy I most likely with burst out into more tears.

I walk into the bathroom and take a shower, brush my teeth and put my hair into a pony tail. I walk into my closet and put on something comfortable.

 I walk into my closet and put on something comfortable

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May We Meet Again (Sequel To Ark Weather High) Bellarke Where stories live. Discover now