4 Years To Late...

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Clarke's POV
I wake up to strong arms around my waist. I look behind me and see Bellamy. I totally forgot that he came last night.

"Good morning princess." He says kissing my cheek

"Morning Bell." I say smiling

"Let's go take a shower." He says wiggling his eyebrows

"Okay, let's go." I say laughing dragging him into the guest bathroom
Lincoln's POV
Today is the day I meet Noah. From what Clarke told me he looks a lot like me.

"Are you sure you want me to come with you?" Octavia asks me as she puts her hair up

"Yes, I want you to meet my son. I mean he's got to meet you. You're my girlfriend. I love you and we'll you're gonna be in my life forever. So it would be nice that Noah meets you." I say

She smiles.

"What if he doesn't like me? I've seen movies where the kid hates the step mom and I don't really want that to happen." She says

"Don't stress. You're more worried than I am. I should be stressing, but I'm not." I say laughing

She hits me.

"I'm serious Lincoln. This is a serious matter." She says

"Okay. Okay. I promise that he will love you. You are a lovable person. Everyone loves you. Well except for Gena, but the whole town in Virginia loved you." I say kissing her cheek

"Okay, I believe you." She says smiling again

"Good, now come on. I need to go meet my son." I say pulling her out the door

We walk out of the room and spot Bellamy and Clarke.

"What are you guys doing?" O says with a smirk

Clarke is in a pretty sun dress and curled hair and Bellamy is dress in his usual outfits, but dressed a little nicer.

"Going on a date. We haven't had one in awhile." Clarke says

"Well, have fun. Don't let her run away again. Just don't piss her off alright." I say to Bellamy

Clarke hits my shoulder and walks away rolling her eyes.

"I think you just did that." Bellamy says laughing

He chases after a mad Clarke and I hear a car drive off so that means they left.

"Are you ready?" O says putting her arms around my neck

"I'm already 4 years too late so I better be ready." I say making O laugh

"You'll be fine." She kisses my lips

"You're here so I'm gonna be fine." I say

She blushes. Damn I love this girl.
When we showed up to the house I started going into full panic mode, but it's now or never. We all leave tomorrow and I want to get to meet him before I leave. We walk up to the door and I knock.

The door opens and there stands Luna.

"Uh, hey Lincoln." She says

"Hey Luna." I say

We stand there and stare at each other.

"So, who's the new girl?" Luna asks asking about O

"This is my girlfriend Octavia." I say

"Hi nice to meet you." Luna says holding her hand out

"Same here." Octavia says shaking Luna's hand

May We Meet Again (Sequel To Ark Weather High) Bellarke Where stories live. Discover now