Safe & Sound

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Bellamy's POV
I have never driven a car so fast in my life. Once I got to the hospital it all went by so fast. I asked the nurse what room she was in and sprinted to her.

I sprinted up those steps really fast and once I reached the top I was out of breathe, but I didn't care because I knew that soon she would be in my arms safe and sound.

When I got to the room I saw her there. Just sitting with her feet hanging over the bed. The doctor is flashing a light in her eyes and once her eyes spot me she pushes off the bed and jumps into my arms.

She throws her arms around my neck and I throw my left hand on her lower back and my right hand on the back of her head to pull her closer to me.

"Bell, I'm so sorry." She says crying into the crook of my neck

"Shh. Princess this is not your fault. At all." I say holding her in my arms

The doctor clears her throats and Clarke and I pull apart. As much as I don't want to let her go I have too.

"Well, Mrs. Blake you are perfectly fine besides a minor concussion, the split lip, and the bruises. Those should go away soon. Now, for your baby we will take a look at him/or her for you so we can tell. I'll be back." The doctor says and walks out

When the door closes I pull Clarke into a hug again.

"Oh God, I'm so glad that you are okay."

"I love you." She says holding me tight

"I love you more." I say still holding her safe and sound in my arms

A minute later two people barge through the door.

Lincoln and Octavia.

"Oh Clarke. You're okay!" O says pulling her into a hug

"Hi O." Clarke says hugging her back

Clarke pulls away and smiles at O.

"Baby Sis!" Lincoln yells and hugs Clarke

She hugs him really tightly and he kisses her cheek.

"Uggh! I missed you. What the hell happened?" Lincoln asks

Clarke's face drops. She walks over to the hospital bed and sits down.

"I have a lot to tell you."
After Clarke told us everything Lincoln said he had to go for a walk. He's not mad I think he's just sad that no one told him. I'm sure Clarke is just as upset.

The doctor came back and now we are waiting to see if the baby is okay. I'm nervous. This is my first time doing something like this. Clarke went without me the first time because she knew way before me. I know I have a little sister, but I never did something like this for her.

"You look nervous." Clarke says taking my hand

I give her a small smile. I may act like a tough guy, but I'm really not. Just ask O.

"Bell, there is nothing to be nervous about. I promise you. You are great with O and I'm sure you will be great with our baby." Clarke says putting her hand on my cheek

I lean in and kiss her. I grab the hand that was on my cheek and his the back of it.

"Are you guys ready to see your baby?" The doctor says turning the monitor on and getting everything ready

Clarke and I both nod with a smile. I've gotta say I've never shaken this much.

"Clarke you can pull up your shirt please." The doctor says and Clarke does pull it up enough that her stomach is showing

There is a bump there, but it's not big. Reality hasn't really set in yet, but I'm sure it will soon.
The doctor puts the gel on Clarke's stomach and she puts the wand on her stomach and moves it around.

"If you guys look at the screen you can see your little baby." The doctor says pointing at the screen

Clarke and I both look at the screen and I never in a million years thought I'd cry again, but tears did slip out

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Clarke and I both look at the screen and I never in a million years thought I'd cry again, but tears did slip out. I look down at Clarke and see she's crying too.

I lean down and kiss her lips.

"I love you Clarke. So much." I say

"I love you Bellamy Blake."
Ahhhh!!!! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you have a good day!!!!! Sorry for the picture that's the best I could find!!! Ilysm!!!!❤️❤️

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Ilysm!!! Let me know what you guys though. I thought I should update since I haven't in such a long time.

Kisses, -S☺️☺️❤️❤️❤️😊😊

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