"I brought you into this world I can take you right out"

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Clarke's POV
I wake up to a soft cry coming for the baby monitor laying on the coffee table. I unwrap Bellamy's arms from around my body and check my phone to see what time it is and it's only 4:30 am.

I rub my eyes and start to walk up the stairs to grab her. I pick her up and rock her back and forth a little to get her to fall asleep again. After maybe 15 minutes of trying to get her to fall asleep again she falls back to sleep.

I walk out of the room she was in and as I'm about to walk down the stairs I see Noah's light on and hear him talking again. Great she's here. I'm done just seeing her talk to him makes me think what she's brain washing him with so I burst open the door and see them sitting on his bed and they look at me.

"Aunt Clarke." Noah says

"Come here buddy." I say and he gets up and walks over to me, "Go downstairs to mommy and daddy and tell Uncle Bell to grab Elli okay and then have daddy come here." I finish and he nods running downstairs

I close the door and I look at her.

"I thought I told you to stay the hell away from Noah." I say raising my voice a little

"Now Clarke, that's no way to speak to your mother." Allie says

"You're not my mother! You have never been my mother! You didn't raise me! Jake and Abby did! You left Lincoln and I because you were scared! Scared of what? You left your two year old and newborn to run off like a scared little girl you were! You're not my mother and you never will be my mother!" I scream

"No matter what Clarke I will always be your mother! I gave birth to you and Lincoln! You don't understand how hard it was for me to say good bye to you guys! I tried to see you all the time, but Abby wouldn't let me! She said it was too dangerous!" Allie screams back at me getting angry

"Maybe Abby was right! All of this started happening when you walked back into my life!" I scream back

That's when she went where I thought she would. She slapped me. I hold my burning bright red cheek. I felt tears coming out of my eyes and when I lifted my hand from my cheek and there is a little blood on my cheek from her cutting it with her nails.

"I brought you into this world I can take you right out of it!" Allie says

"Go ahead and try." I say wiping the blood away

The door swings open and in comes Lincoln.

"Now you come." I say looking at him

"What did she do to you?" Lincoln says grabbing my face and looking at it

"She hit me." I say the truth not covering for her

"Just because you gave birth to us doesn't make you our mom. So you can leave and use the front door. Not my sons window. Stop coming to the house next time you come I'm calling the cops and they can deal with the situation." Lincoln says opening the door so she can walk out

"You two are both not safe and I'm not gonna help you anymore. You're left on your own. Good luck. You'll need it. Even precious Noah and Elliana. No one is safe. Thanks to you two." She says pointing at me and Lincoln

We look at each other and then next minute she's gone. How the hell does she do that. I mean really. I groan. Lincoln and I walk downstairs to see Bellamy and Octavia playing with Noah in the floor and Elliana on Bell's lap asleep. Like always.

"Clarke, what the hell happened to your face?" Octavia says standing up and looking at it

"I'm fine. Really." I say when I see Bell start to look worried

"It was Allie. I don't know how you didn't hear the yelling. I thought Noah was lying about her being up there, but then I hear the yelling walked in and Clarke's face was bleeding." Lincoln says

"Take her please." Bell says handing Elliana to Octavia. "Come with me." Bell says taking my hand and pulling me to the bathroom downstairs

"Sit on the counter." He says and I do as said

He opens the cabinet and grabs the supplies to clean the cut on my face. It might of seem like it was little, but it really wasn't. Blood was running down my face.

"How bad did she hurt you Clarke?" Bell says starting to wipe my cut

"The hit didn't hurt. It's what she said." I say not making eye contact with him

"What's she say?" He says grabbing a small bandaid for my face

I just stay quiet and not make eye contact.

"Clarke, please. Look at me." He says turning my face to look him in the eyes

I let a tear fall down my face. He wipes it away.

"This is all of my fault. Everything and she said to me that Noah and Elliana aren't safe, Bell. I couldn't live with myself if either one of them got hurt because of me." I say starting to cry again and burry my face into the crook of Bell's neck and he rubs my back

"Princess, nothing is going to happen to Elliana or Noah and before you say at least not yet I know that your dad is out there somewhere, but Lincoln and I both won't let anything happen to them and if something did happen it wouldn't be your fault Clarke. Your dad was bad since the time you were born. He wanted you dead. Now he just wants to cause pain on you and the best way is to get to Elliana. Except that's not gonna happen. I promise." Bell says rubbing my back as I still cry into his neck

We stay like that for a little until I finally stop crying.

"I'll be right out you go to Elli. I'll be right there." I say wiping my eyes and Bell nods kissing my cheek before he walks out

I close the door and look at myself in the mirror.

"Come on Clarke. You can't just let someone you thought would care about you walk all over you like that. Be a big girl like you really are." I whisper at myself in the mirror

I splash my face with water and walk out of the bathroom and into the living room to everyone. I sit down on the floor with Annie awake Elliana who is on her tummy on the floor.

"Hi baby

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"Hi baby." I say tickling her back and she smiles at me

I know someone is out there looking for us, but it's nice to just spend the day with my family. The rest of the day we kind of just hung out and talked. I feel like we haven't talked in forever with everything going on.

I finally feel like I have my family back, but I know something will happen and that something isn't gonna be good.
Thank you so much for waiting. Sorry it took so long to update I just have been so busy!!! I hope you enjoy and let me know what you thought about this chapter!!!

Kisses, -S☺️💕💕💕☺️💕

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