Sick Day

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Clarke's POV
4 months pregnant
I woke up with the worse headache ever. I look over and check the time on my phone. In bright white numbers 3:15.

I turn over and face a sleeping Bellamy. I know for sure that I'm not gonna fall asleep again because I feel like complete shit. I can't take Advil so I'm just gonna have to live with it. I get out of bed careful not to wake Bellamy and just walk downstairs.

I go into the kitchen and get myself a glass of water. I put the glass in the sink and head into the living room to just sit down. I haven't really been able to sleep lately. Either because of feeling sick or because of a nightmare.

It's the same nightmare over and over again. I can't stand it. I haven't gotten sleep in over 2 months. It's just nightmare after nightmare. I turn the tv on and just sit and watch Netflix because that's been my friend.

I didn't want to wake Bellamy because it's too early. I mean he hasn't been to work in 2 months and the team completely understands, but he's going back tomorrow and I just can't wake him up. He doesn't want me alone which is why he hasn't gone back in 2 months because of me. I feel terrible.

I know how much he loves football and I feel terrible for taking that away from him. Even if he's the one who won't go to work because he doesn't want me alone. Which I wouldn't be because O would be coming over, but Bellamy thinks that he just has to be with me, but I told him that he had to go back to work.

I can't let these people think that I fear them. That'll just make everything worse for my family. O's coming over anyways so it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that I won't be
Bellamy's POV
I wake up the next morning and find the bed empty. I'm used to it now, but trust me the first night I freaked out. I didn't know where the hell she went and it freaked me out. I just got her back and then she was gone. Just like that again, but luckily she was just on the couch.

I know she feels bad for waking me up early, but I'm her husband and she shouldn't have to worry about doing something like that. Right? I go into the shower and when I get out I pack my bag fast because I'm running late. I walk downstairs and see Clarke laying on the couch.

I walk over to her and kiss her forehead which is really hot. I hear the door open and in walks Octavia.

"Hey big brother." She says holding Noah

"Hey lil sis. Hey Noah." I say to him and he's still half asleep so I don't except him to answer

"Well, you have to go and I have to put him back to bed or he'll be cranky so bye I'll see you later." O says but I stop her before she can walk away

"Please keep an eye on her today. She's really hot. You know what I'm just gonna stay here." I say putting my stuff down

"Oh no you don't. Clarke will be pissed if she wakes up and finds you still here. You are going to work and I will keep an eye on her. I promise Bellamy I will not let anything happen to her. Okay?"

I sigh. "Okay fine, but if anything and I mean anything happens call me."

"Okay mom." O laughs and walks upstairs

I kiss Clarke one more time on the cheek and then I'm out the door. I don't know if I'll be able to leave her for this long. I can't let anything happen to her. Not with everything we've been through.
Clarke's POV
I wake up to a loud crash in the kitchen. I know O is here so I try to fall asleep again, but it just doesn't work. It's starting to get really annoying. I can't take anything because of being pregnant so that is annoying also.

I get off the couch and walk into the kitchen and spot O cleaning up glass.

"What happened?" I say making O jump a little because I guess she didn't hear me come into the kitchen

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