Clarke I Am You Father

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Allie's POV (That's new😂)
"I don't know what to do anymore to keep them safe. That's all I want, but Clarke is to stubborn to want my help." I say pacing the warehouse room

"Just keep pushing. You're ex is dangerous and I want my kids safe Allie." My sister says

"Abby, they are my kids. I gave birth to them not you." I say looking at her sternly

"I raised them. I kept them safe and then you went and had to ruin it by trying to show up again. I had to leave Clarke when she was going through so much and Lincoln had to raise her on his own." Abby says

"I just wanted to see my kids again." I say sitting down

"And we will get to see them again once we know it's safe to be around them. Once we get rid of your ex. Who I told you was bad in the first place." I roll my eyes

"If I didn't date him I wouldn't have had Lincoln or Clarke so get over it. I'm sorry he's involved in such horrible things that you guys almost died and Clarke got hurt so much. I never meant for any of this to happen." I say

"We will get the back little sis. I promise." Abby says walking away

I wipe my tears away and fix my dress walking with her. I'm gonna figure out what I need to do to get this asshole to stay away from my kids. I'm their mother and I will keep them safe. Even if they don't want it.
Clarke's POV
"Hey big bro what's up?" I say answering my phone

"Can I come over Bellamy and O are still out for lunch and I'm bored." Lincoln says

"Ha, yeah sure. It's just Elliana and me here." I say and then hang up after saying good bye and everything

After a few minutes Lincoln finally shows up.

"So, has Allie showed up at all?" I ask him while feeding Elliana

"No, it's been really quiet and I don't like that." He says

"Well at least Noah is happy." I say looking at Noah who's playing with my puppy Blue

"That's all that matters. I promised Luna that I would keep him safe and that's what I'm gonna do." Lincoln says

That's when I hear a noise from out back.

"Was that a gun shot?" I say

"I don't know. Take the kids upstairs and I will go look."

"Noah, come with me." I say and he comes over to my and we go upstairs

I put them in Elliana's room and put the baby monitor on.

"Don't not leave this room. Do you understand?" I say to Noah

He nods his head and I walk down the stairs quietly and look around and I don't see Lincoln anywhere. I walk slowly to look out back and there is nothing. I walk back into the kitchen and grab a knife just to be on the safe side and when I walk back into the the living room there stands Lincoln with someone who has a gun to his head.

"Who the hell are so?" I say holding the knife tighter in my hand

"Hi, Clarke. It's so nice to finally see you not as a little girl anymore. I remember the day you were born." The man says still holding the gun to Lincoln's head

"I don't know you." I say

"How can you not remember your dad?" He says

My eyes widen. Allie wasn't lying. He really is the bad guy.

"I don't believe you."

"Oh honey, trust me. I'm your dad. Allie has told you so much about me. Hasn't she?"

"I don't even know your name." I say

"My name is Chris." He says

"What do you want from us? If you were our dad you wouldn't be doing this." I say

"You guys ruined my life. If you hadn't been born my life would have been perfect, but no you both came into the picture instead." He says

"We were babies. It wasn't our fault." I say

"At least now I can finally get what I want." He says


"Getting to kill the both of you." Chris says and then everything goes black
Bellamy's POV
O and I just want out to lunch just because and we are about to pull up to the house when cop cars go racing past us.

"That's not going to your house right?" O says

I look straight ahead and they turn right into my house. I speed up right away and pull into my space sloppily and race inside. I see everything is a mess. Glass is everywhere and even some blood.

Someone walks down the stairs with Elliana in her hands and I run over to them.

"Oh gosh Elli." I say

"This your baby?" The women says

"Yeah what's going on?" I say as she hands me Elli

"Your nephew called us saying that your wife and your husband have been kidnapped." She says to O and me

My heart sinks and down walks Noah.

"Noah." Octavia says and he jumps right into her arms

"They left the children alone and you guys taught Noah pretty well because he called right away." The lady says

"Do you have any idea where Clarke and Lincoln are?"

"As of now. No, but we have everyone on the lookout. We will find them. Don't worry." She says and walks away

She says don't worry, but I really don't believe her.

"We have to do something about this." O says

"Yeah, and I know who to call." I say walking into the kitchen and grabbing the number

Here goes nothing.
O M G! Double update for your Christmas present! I hope you enjoy! And I hope that you are having a merry Christmas and if you do not celebrate Christmas I hope you are having a happy holidays!!!!

Who do you think Bellamy is calling?? Abby and Jake are alive!?!? Let me know.

Kisses, -S💕💕💕❄❄

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