Saying Goodbye is The Hardest

382 16 13

Clarke's POV
I put my phone down on the coffee table and just sit in the couch and process everything. Luna and Noah were just in an accident. My emotions are getting the best of me, so I just start balling. I mean who wouldn't my Nephew and his mom were just in a car accident.

"Princess?" I hear Bellamy's raspy voice from behind me

I wipe away a tear and put on a forced smile. I take a breathe and face Bellamy.

"What's wrong?" He asks me sitting up next to me

I looked at him through only light coming from the TV. I couldn't help, but choke out a sob. Bell puts his arms around me instantly and rubs my back.

"Princess, what's wrong?" He asks more worry in his voice this time

"No-Noah and Lu-Luna where in an accident." I say pulling away and wiping my tears away

"What? Seriously? Did you tell Lincoln yet?" Bell starts throwing out questions

"No, I just got off the phone with the hospital."

"Want me to tell him?" Bell asks

"Please." I say taking a breathe

Bell stands up and kisses the top of my head before grabbing his phone and walking into the kitchen. I just lay back down on the couch and start processing everything again. I jump when my phone beeps and I grab it. It reads; Unknown. I swipe my phone open and the message reads;

 I swipe my phone open and the message reads;

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I read the message carefully.

Count them as family.

Oh, well I did

Just let us kill you


So it must be a group of people. I delete the message so no one else can know about it. I know it's bad that I just did that, but maybe I should just turn myself over. I mean I should have just stayed in Australia like I was supposed too, but I came back for love.

"Clarke, wanna head over to O's and Lincoln's?" Bellamy asks peeping his head out of the kitchen

I nod my head and stand up. I walk to the door and grab my coat not even caring that I'm still in my pajamas. We get into the jeep and everything is quiet. Bell grabs my hand and squeezes it. I look at him and smile. I know that soon I'm gonna be balling my eyes out and it's not gonna be a pretty site. Once we arrive at Lincoln and O's we head right in.

O is sitting on the couch tears falling down her face. Bellamy goes over and pulls her into a hug.

"Lincoln is upstairs. He needs you Clarke. Right now he needs his sister." Octavia says looking at me with sad eyes

I nod and walk up the stairs and open the door to a dark room. I keep it dark and find my way over to Lincoln. I lay on the bed with him and he turns to look at me. His face stained with his tears. I can't help, but let a tear slip out.

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