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Clarke's POV
"Princess. We're here." Bell says lightly shaking me awake

I jump up right away to see where we are.

"Come on! You know where we are. I don't. Now come on before I lose my mind." I say dragging Bell off the plane

He laughs at me. We walk through the airport and outside where a car is waiting to take us to our destination.
The car pulls up to a dock and I get out of the car. My eyes go wide when I see the most beautiful thing ever.

"Welcome to Maldives, Princess." Bell says coming up behind me and putting his arms around my waist

I turn my head to look at him.

"Follow me." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me onto the dock and we pass but type rooms after room and finally he stops and walks towards one and opens the door.

"Oh my god, Bell. It's gorgeous!" I say throwing my arms around him

"I'm glad you like it." He says

"I don't like it. I love it."

"More than you love me." He says with a pout

"No, I love you more." I say kissing his lips

"So it's morning here in Maldives what would you like to do?" He says whispering in my ear

"How about an early morning swim?"
I say

"Let's go." He says pulling me into to where we can change
"Put me down!" I say

Bellamy has me over his shoulder.

"Sorry princess, no can do." He says

"Please." I ask in a sweet innocent voice

"But I like the view." He says

I roll my eyes even though he can't see them.

"Bellamy." I say obviously get annoyed

"Fine. If you say so." He says

That moment I knew that I screwed up. In a matter of seconds cold water surrounds my body. I come up from the water and hear Bellamy laughing at me.

"Not funny." I say shoving his chest

"You know it is." He says moving hair out of my face

I know we've been together for almost 5 years, but it feels like we are always still new. He cups my face in his hands and presses his lips to mine. We have a heated make-out session for a really long time until Bell speaks up.

"Let's go back." He says out of breath

I nod my head breathlessly. I squeal when he picks me up bridal style.

"I'm gonna make you feel so good." He whispers in my ear

I blush and shove my face in his chest. Trust me that night was a really really hot one and it wasn't because of how hot it was in Maldives.
Bellamy's POV
I wake up with Clarke on my chest. I smile at how beautiful she is even when she's sleeping. Her eyes flutter open and she looks up at me smiling.

"Good morning princess." I say kissing her cheek

"You missed." She says pointing to her lips

I laugh and kiss her lips.

"Better." She says

She gets up out of bed. Don't worry she's wearing my shirt.

"Where are you going?" I say sitting up

May We Meet Again (Sequel To Ark Weather High) Bellarke Where stories live. Discover now