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Lincoln's POV
"We need to talk.." Clarke says walking into the kitchen with an angry face pointing at me

I knew this was gonna eventually happen. Octavia and Clarke are best friends. I should have known O would tell Clarke about what happened.

"What's wrong?" I ask acting like I know nothing

Maybe I can get her to leave. Who am
I kidding. My sister will not leave until she gets what she wants out of people. I'm kind of scared of her. She rolls her eyes. I know she knows that I'm lying.

"Don't bullshit me Lincoln. O told me everything. I'm not stupid." She scowls at me

"Clarke it's not what you think." I say standing up

"Then what the hell is it Lincoln? Huh?"

"Can we please talk in private?" I say

"Well that's my que. I'll be in our room." Bellamy says walking out of the kitchen and up to their bedroom

"Okay, we're alone. What does Luna want?!" Clarke whisper yells

"I can't tell you. You'll be so disappointed in me." I say shaking my head

"Now why would I ever be disappointed in you?" Clarke asks

I just pause. I can't tell her. It's eating me alive inside, but I just can't tell her.

"Are you cheating on O?" Clarke gasps

"No! Never!"

"Then why can't you tell me?" She asks with a sad look

"You used to tell me everything. Well sometimes, but when it came to Luna you would only tell Taylor and Taylor would tell me a totally different story than you would. I'm your sister. You should be able to tell me these things, but you don't. So you have 10 seconds to tell me what the deal is or I'm leaving." She says with a serious face

When my sister gets serious she's dead serious. She doesn't really lie. I mean here and there, but I can tell when she is and well she isn't. I contemplate on wether or not to tell her. If you had a big secret that could change your entire life and make her disappointed would you? I mean I should I just can't.

"I'm sorry, Clarke. I just can't. Not yet." I say

She just rolls her eyes and turns to walk out, but turns around to say one last thing.

"So much of a brother you are."

She walks out of the kitchen and upstairs. I just sit back down at the island in their kitchen and put my face in my hands. I just can't tell her yet. Not yet.
Clarke's POV
I can't believe he wouldn't tell me. I stomped my way up to my bedroom to find Bellamy on his phone. He hears me enter the room and looks up from his phone.

"So, how'd it go?" He asks

I roll my eyes and walk into the closet.

"He won't tell me. He says "I'll be disappointed in him". How could I be disappointed?!" I say looking for my pajamas

"Maybe it's for the best, Clarke. Maybe he's not ready to tell you and you just have to wait. He will tell you when he is ready." Bellamy says

May We Meet Again (Sequel To Ark Weather High) Bellarke Where stories live. Discover now