First Game!

391 17 14

Clarke's POV
I wake up with the urge to throw up. I look over at my nightstand and the clock reads; 4:45. I get out of bed and run into the bathroom. I thankfully make it there in time and I feel someone grab my hair.

I don't need to look up to know its Bellamy. I just keep throwing up. Finally, after a few minutes of throwing up what I had for dinner yesterday I finally was able to get my head out of the toilet.

I get up and brush my teeth.

"Princess, are you okay." Bellamy asks leaning against the bathroom door frame

"Yeah, like I said yesterday, that I'm nervous for today. It's your first NFL game." I say putting my arms around his waist and staring up into his eyes

"Okay, I'm just making sure that my beautiful wife is okay." He says wrapping his arms around my waist too

"Okay, you need your beauty rest. Come on. We're going back to bed!" I say dragging him back into bed

He laughs and we lay down and he wraps his arms around my body.

"I'm so glad I get to share this moment with you tomorrow." Bell whispers in my ear

"Me too." I say kissing his cheek

In less than 10 minutes I'm out like a light.
"Clarke! Get up! It's time to get ready!" I hear Bellamy say jumping up and down on our bed like a kid on Christmas morning

"Okay. Okay. I'm up Bell." I say laughing gripping his biceps so he will stop jumping up and down

"Let's go take a shower." Bellamy says grabbing my hand and helping me out of bed

I just giggle and follow him into the bathroom. We take a shower and get out. I wrap a towel around my body and walk into our room and get my outfit ready for the day.

I didn't really feel like doing much with my hair so I decided to just do a messy braid

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I didn't really feel like doing much with my hair so I decided to just do a messy braid. I walk out of the bathroom and see Bell staring at his jersey that lays on our bed. I walk up behind him and put my arms around his waist and rest my cheek up against his back.

"What are you doing Bell?"

"Before I put this jersey on I need to know one thing?" He says turning around and cupping my face in his hands

"Anything." I say

"No matter what happens today on that field you'll still love me right?" He says looking me dead in the eye

"Bell, no matter what happens today. I will love you till the day that I die. Understand?" I say

"Okay." He says kissing me with full passion

Sadly, we have to pull away because he has to get going.

"Good luck. Just know I'll be watching." I say pressing my lips to his

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