Chapter 3

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Henry's POV

I ran to the hospital with the beauty in my arms. I had to save her. The only thing that kept me sprinting was the aroma of blood seeping into my nasal cavity and the adrenaline that roared through my body at the touch of hers. I wasn't sure if anyone was following me, but at this moment, I couldn't care even if I wanted to. The only thing that mattered was the girl in my arms.

The automatic doors in the emergency room couldn't open fast enough. I rushed in as soon as I could.

"HELP! HELP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "SOMEONE HELP ME!"

A strecher was brought out and I layed the brunette's fragile body on it. Many doctors and nurses ushered her off, while another nurse started to ask me questions.

"Your name?"

"Henry Mills."

"Patient's name?"

"I don't know."

"Relationship to patitent?" This was awakward. What was I to tell her? Um... She was my girlfriend in my dream. Haha. No.


"How was she injured?"

"She was walking down the road in some trance. Cars were running off the road, trying not to hit her. I called out to her, which snapped her out of the trance. She passed out on the road, but her body rebounded. Her body bounced off the ground about three or four inches and hit the ground, again. That's when I saw blood pooling around her head."

"Okay. Thank you for your time and service to this girl, Mr. Mills. Shall I put you as an emergency contact?"

"What's that?"

"It just means we call you to inform you of her progress or decline in health."

"Very much, please!"

"Thank you. Fill out this form and turn it into the front desk."

"Okay. Thank you. Could you also call me when she gets put into a room and is able to accept visitors?"

"Of course." I fill out the form and turn it in as instructed. I sit in the waiting room hoping I can vist her directly after her surgery.

I feel a hand on my sholder. I turn to see Killian. I nod in my mental recollection of his presence.

"That's the girl you kissed in your dream?" I simply nod.

"Violet?" He asked me.


"You kissed this gir-"

"-in a dream."

"Yeah. Well, what if those dream feelings become real, mate."

"I haven't thought that far ahead."

"Better start thinking."

"I know."

"Your moms told me to come after you. Do you just want to stay?" I nod.

"Okay. I hope this doesn't get me in trouble." I snicker at the thought of Emma and Regina scolding him.

He leaves and I sit and wait. I look to my phone. An hour has passed and I have seven mesages from Violet. I open them.

V: Hey.

V: wyd

V: Henry?

V: Are you downtown?

V: Did u hear about the car crashes?

V: Where r u?

V: Are u okay?

I text her back.

H: Hey, V. I'm fine. Don't worry. I was there when the cars crashed. I'm at the hospital, but I'm not hurt. -H

No anymore than a few minutes later, I got a text back.

V: Okay. See you later. 😘😘

I look to the text mesage and then close it. A few minutes later, a nurse came out and called my name. I stood up at my name awaiting the news.

"She's out of surgery and stable, though she is unconcious."

"Can I see her?"

"Sorry. Family only."

"None of her family is known."

"Who found her?"

"Me." She spent a few minutes, doing what I guess was contemplating.

"I guess you may see her."

She leads me to the room. There is a lifeless body laying on the bed. She is the same girl, and she's alive, none the less. She is hooked up to so many machines that it seems unreal.

I grab a chair and sit by her bedside. She is actually the girl from my dreams. My mind wasn't just playing tricks on me. My body is in too much of a shocked factor to move.

How could this be real?

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