Chapter 19

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Natalie's POV

We drive home with my sufficated, devestated wimpers being the only sound throughout the car. At arival, I speed inside the tears, struggling to hold the water-way gate closed.

"Natalie, your home early." I hear from Belle before running upstairs. I slam the door shut and fall to the bed.

I let the sunlight-heated comforter and pillows invite me in. I let the gates swing wide open, as humoungous tears roll down my face. I cannot do anything to hold back this display of devestaion before the world.

A soft knock comes up through my tears. I attempt to ignore it. I know its Belle. It comes again. Why can't this insufderable tourchre just end?

"Natalie?" I suck in a breath, as she walks in to see me in such a state. "What happened?"

"H-he pr-rom-ised-d. Y-you-u wer-re t-ther-re."

"Promised what?" She asked calmly, as she sits next to me, comfortingly laying a hand on my arm. I sit up.

"H-he p-pro-omisse-ed t-tha-at-t h-he w-woul-ldn-n't-t l-let-t an-ny-th-ing-g h-hurt-t m-me."

"Ssshhh..." She pulls me into her arms. "Take a deep breath." I do. "Gather your thoughts." I do. "Sit up." I do. She takes my hands. "Now, explain what happened."

I draw in a deep breath and begin.

"Henry and I were just hanging out. We had some take out from Granny's and a movie in. We were sitting on his bed."

A deep breath for the nice times.

"I layed my head on his sholder about half-way through the movie. It was... Well... Never mind how it was..."

A deep breath for the closeness.

"His mom got home. He thought nothing of it. He said it was fine."

A deep breath for the anticipation.

"She called for him. He said he was upstairs. She came up and saw us. She was upset."

A deep breath for the reliving.

"I was polite. At least, I thought I was. She walked over."

A deep breath for the tears to stop coming. They didn't obey.

"I suddenly felt a ripping and burning sensation. It was like a knife ripping through my chest. It was like the knife was turned and pulled out. Then, she lit a match and threw it in. That's how it felt."

My deep breathing stopped. The hyperventilating and worring came.

"Breath. Calm down."

I tried, but couldn't I layed my face in her sholder and just cried, occasionally mummbeling something like, 'He broke it. He broke me.'

He had broke my heart. He had broke my respect. He had broken my mind. He had broken my trust. He had broken my everything.

He broke it. He broke me.

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