Chapter 10

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Natalie's POV

Belle and father both adopt forelonged expressions.

"What is it?"

"Natalie," father starts.

"Yes?" I question hopeful.

"Your mother..." he starts, but quickly stops.

"She died." Belle blurts.

I don't know how to feel by the sudden shocking news. I sit there stunned and look down. A hand is placed on my sholder, and I lean into Henry's inviting body.

He holds me. I don't cry. I don't show emotion. I just sit there in his comforting arms. Belle moves to my bed, and I move from Henry to Belle.

A nurse walks in.

"Hello. Um... Visiting hours are over."

"My wife just met her sister, who she hasn't seen in about 30 years." Rumple snaped.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you all must leave."

"Lady-" Rumple started.

"Rumple. Its fine." Belle trired to confort him. The nurse left followed by Regina and Emma after saying goodbye.

"Bye, Nat." Henry tells me.

"Bye, Henry." He hugs me. When we release eachother, my father stops him at the end of my bed.

"Boy, I don't care who you are. If you are going to-"

"Papa." Belle cuts in.

"be with my daughter,-"

"Papa." I cut in.

"you better protect her. You better not hurt her or let anyone else. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir." Henry walks out.

"I like that boy. Don't tell him." Belle and I sigh and put our faces in our hands. "Natalie, I must go, but I love you."

"I love you, too, papa." We hug, just before he leaves.

"I love you, Natalie."

"I love you, Belle." She hugs me, and I hug her back.

"Goodbye, Natalie" Rumple says to me.

"Goodbye, Rumple." I respond.

"Bye, Nat."

"Bye, Belle."

He leaves. She leaves. I am alone, but its okay.

Belle rushes back in.

"Would you like to come live with us?"


"Would you like to live with Rumple and I?"


"The doctors say you are well enough to leave. I'll have Rumple get his car, and I'll check you out." I nod. We hug, and she rushes down stairs.

She comes back a few minutes later.

"Everything is in order. Once Rumple comes back, we can leave."

A male nurse comes in with a wheelchair. I sit down in it, and we go down to the parking lot.

Rumple's car is already there and pulled to the door. I am helped into the back seat, and we are off.

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