Chapter 32

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Natalie's POV

Last night was the best. Today, I get up and change into a lazy-day outfit. It consists of a long sleeved Hogwarts shirt with colorful house representatives, my Ravenclaw joggers and black teni shoes. [A/N ...because we are all part of the HP fandom. And... RAVENCLAW REPRESENTING!!] Henry comes by to pick me up, and we go.

I walk into Granny's with him. We're about to go to lunch with Emma and Killian.

We sit,as we wait for them. We are holding hands and looking into eachother's eyes.

"Hey, guys." Emma greets, as they approach the table together. I stand to greet her in return.

"Hey." I hug her. Henry, also, stands and greets Killian with some wierd fist bump thing, that Emma and I have decided is wierd, because he only has one fist. We all go to sit down, and Henry has me sit first.


"How was last night?"

"Mom..." We all laugh at his child-like behavior.

"Okay, okay."

"Henry." I state.

"You too now?" We all, again, laugh.

"Yes. I have to go to the bathroom."

"...But we just sat down." He whines, like a small child. I look at him. "Okay, okay." He says with a small laugh, as he scoots out. I stand and he sits back down. I begin to walk away, when I hear his 'small child' voice. "I'll miss you."

"I'll be gone like ten minutes."

"Miss me, Nat. I'm needy." He grabs my hand.

"Fine." I say with fake annoyance, suppressing a giggld. "I'll miss you, too." I try to walk away, but I am yanked back by his iron grip. "Henry, let go."

"No! I'll miss you too much." He cuddles with my arm.

"But I don't want my bladder to explode."

"Lad, let her go." Killian interjects with a slight hint of fright, which ears giggles from Emma and I.

"Fine." Henry mutters in fake disapointment. He stands and kisses the top of my head. "Come back soon."

"I will." I begin to walk away but turn back around. "You're supper needy." I laugh. I, finally, go to the bathroom. I do my business and come back.

Henry scoots over, so I can sit. We hold hands, again, and he sits close. I feel someone gazing at me, but I don't turn to look.

"I ordered you sweat tea. Okay?" I nod and lay my head on his sholder.

"Mother?" We hear a male child, about our age, question. It is brushed off and ignored by our table, since the only two women here have given birth to a total of one son, who is at this table.

"Mother?" We hear, again. I turn this time, feeling the question being direcred at me.

"Mother!" The child rushes to me and hugs me, excitedly. At his touch, memories flood back into my mind. I remember, bout half way through the time of me being frozen as a baby, being put into another body, somehow. I looked like mysef, but I had wild, curly dark brunette hair. It started at the age of six. I lived through that life. I fell in love. I got married. I had a child. This child. I can't believe I didn't remember any of this. I remember being shot, then being sent back to this life. The time period had gone fast. I had lived twenty years there, and only five years, here, had passed.

"Natalie?" Henry asks from behind me. "Who is this?"

"My son..." I sit there dazed. How did these two worlds collide? How did this happen?

"Mother, what happened to you? Where did you go?" I stand, breathing heavily. Nothing worse can happen. Right?

"I need some air." I stand and turn, when of course, something worse happens.

"Christine?" I turn fully to the man, who said the name of my other idenity. My face pales. How could I think Erik would allow Gustave to travel alone?

My breath deepens. I try to move, but my feet feel glued to their place. My vision begins to go out. I have flashes of black, until black consumes my full vision.

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