Chapter 23

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Natalie's POV

At ariving home, I run upstairs to my bed room. I'm home alone. Belle didn't follow me, due to shock. Rumple is working on who knows what.

What does he even do?

I think of these thing to try to destract myself from thought of Henry. While destraction thoughts run through my head, I stop is absoulte horror.

Someone knocked at the front door. Good thing I locked all doors and windows.

I text Belle that someone is here. She doesnt respond saying its her.

They knock, again.

I go grab a frying pan. They did that on Tangled. It should work. Right?

I hope so.

I carry the frying pan to the door and yell.

"Who's there?"

There's no answer.

"Who's there?"

Again, no answer.

I unlock the door. Curriosity had gotten the best of me. Well, I guess I'm a cat.

I creak the door open to see Regina. My arm holding the frying pan drops to my side.

"What do you want?"

"To appoligise."

I open the door to see her standing there alone.

"A frying pan? Really?" I begin to shut the door. "Stop." I do. "I'm sorry I tore out your heart. You have every right to be mad at me. But don't be mad at Henry. It wasn't his fault."

"I can't see him right now. I won't. If that's why you came over, you can go now." I begin to shut the door, but she stops me.

"Just call him, please." She hands me a paper with his phone number on it. I take it and shut the door. I lock it.

Tears make rivers down my face, as I go upstairs, turning over the paper in my hands.

I can't call him now. I place the number on the nightstand and lay down in bed.

All the crying is so exhausting that I give in and let sleep overtake me.

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