Chapter 16

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Henry's POV

I was walking away from Granny's on my way to Rumple and Belle's house in hopes to see Natalie. I cannot get her out of my mind. I am texting on my phone, when I run into someone. I mutter a sorry, but I continue to walk. I lock my phone and lift my head towards a random shop window.

I see her. I see Natalie. I slow my pace and smile as I think about how beautiful she is. I love her. She looks over to me and beccons me forward.

I shakily walk into the store. I am extremely nervous.

"Its not like we are getting married. You're allowed to see me in this dress." She walks to me, when she trips over the heals into my arms. She swiftly shoots up, out of my arms, attempting to stand.

"I'm so sorry." Is the soon heard and unneeded appology. I decide to have fun with her in this flustered state.

I notice her appearance in the dress. She looks stunning. I look her over to see her perfect arms littered with scars, bruises and burns.

"Its fine. I just have one question." I inform with a malicious smirk.

"Which is?" She seems a little uncomfortable.

"Whats up with you needing someone to catch you all the time?"

"I- Uh... I-" I chuckle lightly.

"I'm only kidding."

"Oh... Right. Um..." She blushes. We make our way to Belle.

"Hello, Henry." She greets with a small hint of protectiveness in her voice.

So... She's playing the role of protective older sibling, now. Got it.

"Hi, Belle."

"What are you doing here?" She asks after clearing her throat.

"I was on my way to your house to see Nat when I saw her, and she motioned for me to come."

"Oh. Where you two..."

"I was planing on asking."

"Asking what?" Natalie butts in.

She's so cute.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to hang out today?"

"Oh... I was thinking of something else..." Belle mumbles.

"Um... I would like to, but..." Natalie turns to look at Belle, who nods.

"Only after we go to two more stores." She bargans.

"Bbbbeeeeellllllllllllllleeeeeeee..." was the only whine or rebuttal. It was cut off by a hand going to make a deal.

Hands are reluctantly shaken, and a deal is struck. Natalie changes into her clothes from previously entering the store. A few dresses and heals are bought, and we move on after placing the bags in Grandpa Rumple's car.

In that store, jeans, tee shirts, jackets, sweatpants and sneakers are all bought. I believe Natalie likes these clothes more than the former articles Belle had hand-picked.

We make our way to the last store after repeating what had been done to despose of the shopping bags. We make our way to the phone store in town.

"Belle, no. You have spent too much money on me thus far. You won't spend any on an item as futillous as a phone."

"I am getting you a phone."

These sisters are arguing. One is my grandpa's wife. The other is my... Well... I don't know what she is to me... Just yet... But... She is important! I wisely back away.

Belle storms off into the store. Natalie tries to leave, but I catch her before she goes.

"Nat... What about the deal?"

"Henry, I want to hang out. I really do. I just want Belle to stop wasting money on me."

"She doesnt see it as wasting. She loves you. And wants a way to contact you."

"I know... Its just..." she sighs defeated. Belle soon comes out.

"Good you haven't left." She hands Natalie a phone. "I want you to keep this with you and answer if I call."


"I have Rumple's number, the house number, the shop number and my number in there."


"And-" Belle is cut off with a hug.

"I love you, too, Belle."

"I love you. Just be home by seven. Should Rumple pick you up?"


"Text him where you are at about 6:45."

"Okay." They hug once more, before Belle heads for the black car. "So..."

"Do you want to get lunch at Granny's to go and watch a movie at my place?"

"That sounds lovely."

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